The 2nd Amendment was ratified on December 17, 1791
First lets look at what is says;
TEXT; A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Quote on recent legal interpretation of the 2nd from Cornell Law School;
"The Second Amendment has most recently been interpreted to grant the right of gun ownership to individuals for purposes that include self-defense. At first it was thought to apply only to the Federal government, but through the mechanism of the Fourteenth Amendment, it has been applied to the states as well."
Now lets look at the term Militia;
At the time the Bill of Rights was written, the 'Militia' was considered to be the ALL the able bodied men in every community, not just a specialized group. So the 'Militia spoken of was the citizens who came together for defense against any enemy that threatened them including the Crown Government. It was only later and most probably under the influence of the beginning of the Progressive Campaign to grow a massive all controlling Central Government that the original idea of a 'Militia' was turned into what we now call the National guard. Doing that does not negate the original intent of the Founders who realized that the people might need to fend off a Government that did not respect their Liberty and Freedoms sometime in the future.
Now lets look at the statement "Keep and bear arms";
From the beginning of our Nation up until the Progressive FDR years, Communities and individuals could and did keep any and all conventional arms available to the United States Military branches.As an example: Even warships. Remember the privateers sanctioned in the war of 1812? In fact all military gear was available for civilian purchase until 1934 now permits(taxes) are necessary. (see for timeline of Government infringements of the 2nd).
What has been Public Schooled out of us since then on the meanings of our Unalienable Rights, has been used to allow the Federal Government to get away with all the gun restrictions by making the people believe the same lie that Hitler, Mussolini, Hirohito,Stalin, Mao Tze Tung, and every Dictator had told their people before enslaving and abusing them. The implied lie is best said plainly as "Its to make you safer" and that is a load of Bull Sh*t.
The Elitist powers that want the public disarmed know they can't get something like a total gun ban placed on the people, so they are continuously chipping away at the 2nd with "Regulations" and now Obama has decided to Buy Up almost all available ammunition the manufactures have put out. He has also attempted to block manufacturers of firearms from getting the necessary bank loans.His EPA has destroyed the last American Lead processing business. None of that is "Gun Control" but it is.
If we modern Americans would stop with the hedonistic pursuits that are there to distract us from what is being done and actually looked at the Constitution along with taking more than a cursory look at our Government at election times, we would see what we have already lost and see what we are in dire straights of losing.
We as a people seem to have forgotten the United States Constitution was originated by the States to create and control the Federal Government not the other way around. In fact if we really looked we would realize the States themselves in fact ARE, and were always intended to be separate Sovereign Entities like the States of Europe were, but banded together in a Perpetual Union for common defense and mutual advantage in other endeavors.
Lets draw some logical conclusions if we are still capable of independent thought;
1.) The Government is an instrument of the people and not a separate entity to control the people. the people rightfully control it.
2.) The rights of the people and the States by Constitutional definition supersede the rights of the three branches of the Federal Government.
3.) In a perfect world which this is definitely not, There could be no laws enacted except by the consent of the people and States that would govern all of the people and States under their aegis.
4.) That being said, any laws that affected not only the 2nd amendment but any of the amendments or other portions of the Constitution would be unconstitutional for the Federal Government to impose.
5.) Government 'Property' is in fact held in trust for the people who rightfully OWN such materials and commodities and it's purpose is for the peoples use, not for the sole select/express use of the Federal Government.
6.) This would encompass everything the Government holds control over,including lands rightfully belonging to the States, not just what applies to the 2nd amendment.It applies to every item the people need to use, and every provision within the Constitution.
7.) The 2nd amendment protects the Peoples and the Individual States Rights to have the means necessary to block or stop an overreaching/infringing government like the one we have now.That is the main reason why the self styled rulers want the guns to be gone from civilian hands.
8.) Consider just what is said in the Preamble to the United States Constitution: "We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
9.) The basic construction of the United States is the more perfect precursor of the EU. What the Elitists want is to make it less so in order to have an Iron Control over the people in first the western hemisphere and then unite east and west into a World Government that provides no individual protections, with the only the protection of the Ruling Class Oligarchy.
10.) The rights protected in the 2nd and other amendments as well as the body of the Constitution are not rights we gave ourselves, but instead are the rights due any human being. All we did was to list what the Government was not supposed to touch. We the people demanded those rights and others be officially protected so the future governments would not be allowed to take them away from us by pretending they originally gave them to us instead of God giving them to us.
This gets us back to the original declaration about the 2nd and now other amendments that have come under fire by the self serving Elitist Class that wants an Oligarchy established. The 2nd is the Key to, and the Teeth of, the Constitution.
It provides the public a way to physically stop their Government if all else has failed to do so. These rulings by the Supreme Court establishing our 'Rights to have guns for protection is a two edged sword. We can accept that a court has the authority to override the written Constitution, or we can see it as the court stopping the government from overstepping it's enumerated powers. This is a grey area that will have to be cleared up to the Peoples and the States satisfaction.
I say this because the Union of States pre existed the Federal Government created by the Constitution therefore setting a Precedence in Law.
I can see some very narrow and highly defined instances where the people could come together and deny 2nd rights. Specifically, to Incarcerated Individuals, Mentally Retarded Individuals, Permanently Crippled Individuals with Physical Conditions that would endanger them and those around them should they try to use a firearm.Minors without direct Adult Supervision, but that's about all who I would say could lose their 2nd rights.
For all of that there would have to be a clearly worded set of guidelines/regulations specifying the exact conditions necessary to allow for the loss of 2nd rights and those guidelines/regulations accepted by the people in a National Referendum and no future interpretations of them unless the entire body of citizens agree to the changes.
Any other limits, permits, registrations,etc. would and should be considered an unconstitutional infringement on our Unalienable Rights. Even that has some interpretation as to what exactly it means in the context of the time when it was written. The full article can be seen at;
Here is an Excerpt from the article on the differing but similar meanings;
The Declaration on parchment, now in the Department of State-unalienable
The Declaration as written out in the corrected Journal-unalienable
The Declaration as printed by Dunlap under the order of Congress-unalienable
The draft of the Declaration in the handwriting of Jefferson now in The American Philosophical Society, in Philadelphia-inalienable
The Declaration in the handwriting of Jefferson now in the New York Public Library-inalienable
The draft of the Declaration in the handwriting of Jefferson now in the Massachusetts Historical Society, in Boston-inalienable
The copy in the handwriting of John Adams of the "Rough draught" of the Declaration, now at the Massachusetts Historical Society.unalienable
The differing definitions are basically only important to a Lawyer;
Inalienable: Unalienable; that cannot be legally or justly alienated or transferred to another. The dominions of a king are inalienable. All men have certain natural rights which are inalienable. The estate of a minor is inalienable, without a reservation of the right of redemption, or the authority of the legislature.
Unalienable: Not alienable; that cannot be alienated; that may not be transferred; as unalienable rights.
The first definition gives a more complete answer as to the meaning including Unalienable in it's definition, but the Second one is what we use and it also includes the gist of the matter tersely and succinctly.
The main Question Remains; Why are the Liberal/Progressive/Socialists attempting to take away our rights? By extrapolation, What Can We Do To Stop Them And Prevent Them From trying Again?
The Founders,Framers and Ratifiers of the Constitution of the United States wrote into that document the remedy for an out of control central government that has grown far beyond it's intended size and scope. We now have that government they feared, a government with a Self-Appointed ruler with delusions of being a Monarch instead of a servant, and a Congress that has delusions of being a house of Lords and eventually an iron-fisted Oligarchy instead of hired representatives.
Just yesterday another tragic incident happened in a South Carolina Church. 9 innocent people are dead because they did not have the means to shoot down the bastard that came into their midst under false colors and proceeded to shoot them. Our Fearless divider of a President immediately started harping on the time dishonored prattle of the Socialists and started raging about the Gun Culture and the Evil guns.
The bastard that committed the atrocity showed all the sign of an unstable person and he had to resort to illegal means to even get a gun. I ask you, how well does the Self Serving and Obsessive Progressive Agenda of gun control work to make the public safer? The beast that committed the murders was one who was so filled with contempt for other living beings, that he did it without a second thought. NO LAW WILL PREVENT THAT! No proscribing of an inanimate instrument will prevent that! The insane person will always find another tool to use for the means to kill the object of their insane hatred.
The Progressives at the behest of their Elitist, Oligarchy desiring masters, will never let up until they take the Unalienable Right of having the means of Self Protection away from us so they can do their worst to enslave humanity to their will without fear of retribution. The attitude of the Elitist Masters is almost Satanic in it's bearing and demeanor. Possibly the Elitist Masters themselves are controlled by that ancient enemy of humanity.
My generation as the generations before me have shown themselves time and again by their sacrifices of blood, sweat and tears, how much they value the Freedoms given to humanity by Natures God. They were willing to sacrifice their very lives to obtain and retain that Freedom and Liberty.
We are constantly being beset by the lies and deceit our very Government is pushing to attain the end means of the Elitist Masters. Look at what that sadistic bastard we call a president has done to our Freedoms in their names. My and previous generations did follow orders and served in what we believed were just causes. My generation and the previous ones risked our lives to preserve our system. Now, we have come to see there are very few just men in power.
Those men hide behind their 'Color of Law' to force us to do things that are not in anyone's interest but their Elitist Masters. This set of lies are the self same ones that Evil despots have used on their people for all of time. They play on the peoples fears and behind the scenes they set up regulations that lend ways for vile acts such as those recently committed in South Carolina to happen, then they blame the things they are afraid of for it happening instead of taking the blame for not doing the right things to prevent it.
I have heard many people flirting with the idea of an armed insurrection. That is absurd and would only serve the enemy. What we need to do is to use what our Founders gave us to use to restore the sanity to our Republic.
Here is my Conclusion on that;
In Conclusion;
The best and only Constitutional way to accomplish what needs be accomplished, is to build up and focus the movement around the concept of restoring the Republic through the auspices of an Article V Convention Of States. It's not too late. Many will out of fear or self interest, will counsel against it. I can't accept their baseless fears, nor can I countenance the Self Serving Interests of those who would lose power from it. Enforcing the Article V provision by the States will give us the necessary basis in Constitutional Law. Once the corrections to the 100 years of Progressive amendments are incorporated through enactment or repeal of certain ones, the Supreme Court will have to agree with us when we rein in the out of control, overblown and overreaching federal government's stolen power, and return it to the States and to the People.
The Tradesman
A parting thought;
Article V of the Constitution.
An Amendment proposal, at a limited convention would make damn sure the States should/would/could unite to repeal the 14th,16th,17th amendments. Such accomplished, we would return to the balance of separate and equal branches of our government, and we could function as intended once again. The State's powers and the 10th amendment would be restored. Executive actions would be mute. No man or woman could be a king or a queen. And from that foundation where we once started to build a nation, we can begin to restore the Republic our Founders gave to us.