WHY doesn't Congress question where the money sent to Ukraine is going?  Could it be that the money is being used to finance the 'Socialist TRANSFORMATION' OF THE USA and the world? Could it be, that the American Tax Payers are supporting the radical leftist movement, by indirectly funding the thugs, the indigents, the homeless, and illegal aliens to riot and burn down our cities? 

Are we so stupid that we will not ask the right people the correct questions... or just too willfully blind to see the cockroaches feeding on the DARK MONEY funding ELECTION FRAUD? Who is it that is laundering our tax dollars and looting the US Treasury?  Where has the 20 Trillion in new debt America has accumulated in the last 12 years gone?  It certainly did not go to our national security or winning the war on poverty and maintaining the Nation's infrastructure.

Wake up Soros and the left are not using mountains of their money to destroy us... They are using our money.  Zuckerberg, Bezos, Gates, et al didn't get rich giving away their money. They did it with other people's money.  Soros's 'Open Society Foundation' is much more than a left-wing think tank. It is a globalist HUB for laundering and redistributing DARK MONEY to a wide range of leftist causes.  Could it be that Trillions in 'Dark Funds' are being siphoned from the US Treasury, ostensibly for humanitarian and other legitimate causes, only to be laundered and redirected to fund Election fraud and other leftist radical causes?

Who knows where the funds being sent to the Ukraine and other hotbeds of socialist unrest really end up?  History informs us that large portions of such funds never go to where they were intended.  Who would have guessed? After all, these are government programs.  What could go wrong?

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