Jeff Dunetz on Twitter: &quot;WaPo&#39;s Phony Right Winger, Jennifer Rubin&#39;s Latest  Anti-Conservative Hit Job <a href=…;" />

Before Washington Post columnist JENNIFER RUBIN became one of the most reliable defenders of the Biden administration, she was one of the Obama administration’s most reactionary critics.

“His sympathies for the Muslim World take precedence over those, such as they are, for his fellow citizens,” she wrote in Commentary Magazine in 2010 when President BARACK OBAMA supported the building of a mosque in lower Manhattan that critics had dubbed the “Ground Zero Mosque.”

When Obama said that police had “acted stupidly” when they arrested a Black professor outside his home in 2009, Rubin wrote that “Obama indisputably fanned the flames of racism and rekindled animosity on both sides by assuming or making this all about race.”

She didn’t have a high opinion of Obama’s vice president, JOE BIDEN, either, writing in 2012 that “Biden reflects Obama’s judgment and dispels the notion that the president wants the best and the brightest around him. Ole Joe doesn’t fit that description, does he?”

Rubin says she’s changed, however. The Republican Party used to be fine but is now “thoroughly infused with racism.”

Since 2016, she has evolved into a stalwart never-Trump Republican, even as many of his other former critics jumped on the Trump train. She has switched over from trying to flatter the GOP’s id to stoking Democrats’ — fit with an MSNBC contract and a book coming out next week called “Resistance: How Women Saved Democracy from Donald Trump.”

Perhaps most surprising of all, however, is how, over the past eight months, she has distinguished herself as the Biden administration’s favorite columnist.

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