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  • Pompeo proves that he upholds his pledge of allegiance to Trump. All members of the administration should be like him. Pompeo is also right that the world is looking at us and unless Trump stays in, the world will view us as a banana republic in which a rigged election can get an imposter into office.

    Defiant Pompeo predicts 'smooth transition' to a 2nd Trump administration
    A defiant Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Tuesday predicted a “smooth transition” to a second Trump administration, as members of the administratio…
    • Paul, I agree.  I have been impressed with Pompeo.


    I was just urged to write a letter to the Supreme Court regarding the elect results.  A relative whose husband is elected to the Michigan state assembly sent me the URGENT message!

    She said DO NOT send this out over the internet for general consumption! Send ONLY to Republicans!

    ITS URGENT!  Every Republican should do this immediately!  

    Go to  Supreme Court web site, tap on  Contact Us, then Tap on. Public Information Office!  Fill in required information and write your note!

    This is what I wrote to SCOTUS:

    "I am demanding an accurate account of ALL LEGAL AND LEGITIMATE VOTES.  
    I am a birthright citizen, and I voted for TRUMP/PENCE!    
    I am upset at the fraudulent ballots being dumped at polling places, and  extremely disturbed about those trying to STEAL this election!"

    please just put in your own words. In subject line you can put Trump/Pence, or election results!  It is imperative that you do this and right away, and spread the word‼


    • Jo, thanks for sharing this, we all need to see it

  • I have seen 2 democrat poll watchers interviewed saying they were upset about the FRAUD they have seen.  There are still a few good democrats in the general public who care about the nation.

  • PRESIDENT TRUMP has requested that the DOJ get involved and Attorney General William Barr has requested that they investigate and credible instances of voter fraud.  Now, the problem with all of this is if some Democrat Public official tries to certifiy a states election result before the recounts and canvases are complete.  What I would ask is that there are no certifications until both parties agree and the recounts and legal challenges are complete.  I also ask that the statute of limitations applying to anybody committing any type of voter fraud during this election, be at least 5 years as a lot of voter fraud is not exposed until years later.  Additionally, the meeting and decision of the Electoral College should be extended until the legal challenges are complete.  Otherwise the Democrats will run out the clock.  Now, for those who have taken part in institutional voter fraud like software alterations, ballot count fraud, delivering fraudulent ballots to counting centers, and violating election counting laws be charged with treason as they are trying to weaken our country making it suseptible to China's military buildup especially after China's Confuscius Laboratory projects that were used to mass brainwash college students by paying professors $500,000.00 per year surreptioutously.  Pelosi and Feinstein should be taken to account for their husbands stock and management positions in Dominion Software which is playing a part in Voter Fraud.  Also, a Special Prosecutor should be appointed by Attorney General Barr to get to the bottom of this Voter Fraud unimpeded no matter how long it takes.

    • Roy, good point, I agree completely.  Vote FRAUDERS need to be punished, on a gallows hanged for TREASON!!!!!

  • Barr  certainly looks like a deep state TRAITOR who is not doing anything to stop the subterfuge going on.  I hope President Trump gets rid of him and durham in his 2nd term.

  • There are tons of comments on this post and on many other posts about the rigged election. It's nice that people share their thoughts, voice their opinion, and even write emails or letters. But words are cheap, actions matter. So, tell me. Who has actually contributed to the legal action fund that Trump set up?

    Please contribute ANY AMOUNT to the Official Election Defense Fund
    • Paul, I can't send money.  I barely get by so can't help there.  I pray and write but am very limited due to health and finances.

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