Why would the FDA ban a drug that safely 
saves the lives of patients?
By Rick Hayes ~{ americanthinker.com }

The American people have been subjected to a pack of lies and half-truths for three years. Politicians responsible for most of the deceptions enjoy an approval rating hovering somewhere near that of a used car salesman.

But surely when it comes to medicine, health care, and the Hippocratic Oath, there is no place for dirty politics?

Aimed at getting to the bottom of the disparity between doctors' pro and con beliefs regarding the use of hydroxychloroquine to fight the Wuhan virus, on Sunday, August 23, radio talk show host Mark Levin had Dr. Harvey Risch on as one of his cable show guests.

Risch, a distinguished cancer epidemiologist at the Yale School of Public Health, has published over 300 papers and is viewed in the medical profession as an expert at evaluating research data.

Risch, who recently wrote a review article in the American Journal of Epidemiology that cites evidence that he believes supports hydroxychloroquine's use on an outpatient basis against the Wuhan virus, told Levin that the evidence that the drug has saved many lives is "overwhelming." He also stated that there are studies that indicate no harmful effects using the medicine under strict protocol — something the FDA did not consider when it evaluated the drug.

In an interview with The Daily Hayes, Risch cited the evidence found by Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, a family doctor from Monroe, New York, who has reported having a 99.7% survival rate for his patients using hydroxychloroquine.

Zelenko emphasized that the high success rate using hydroxychloroquine is effected when administered on an outpatient basis and in the early stages, usually within the first five days of experiencing symptoms. He spoke of how it was imperative to follow a strict protocol, which included using a cocktail containing hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and the antibiotic azithromycin.  

Doctors across the country have been coming forward and telling of their positive experience of high success rates when treating patients having the Wuhan virus with hydroxychloroquine.

Dr. Simone Gold, a board-certified emergency room physician, recently stood with a group of other physicians on the Supreme Court's steps and stated, "We brought together physicians from across the country who have successfully treated patients using hydroxychloroquine. Our message to the American people is clear.  Hydroxychloroquine works."

Gold asked why state governors are restricting physicians from prescribing a medication approved by the FDA for 65 years and empowering pharmacies to overrule how doctors want to treat their patients. "These actions are unprecedented and have never happened before in medicine," said Gold.

Even with all of the published evidence and patient testimonials that hydroxychloroquine is a safe, inexpensive ($20–$50 per full treatment) drug that saves lives, the FDA pulled its Emergency Use Authorization (EUA).  The FDA somehow determined that hydroxychloroquine is unlikely to be effective in treating the Wuhan virus.

The FDA instead gave the coveted EUA to the drug Remdesivir. Remdesivir is listed as an investigational drug where the safety and efficacy for the treatment of the Wuhan virus are not yet known. The approximate treatment cost to patients is $3,000.

The FDA also stated that hydroxychloroquine posed serious cardiac adverse events and other potentially dangerous side-effects.

"Not true," said Risch, who emphasized the FDA's failure to follow the critical protocol when it issued that warning.

Zelenko said the adverse cardiac events mentioned by the FDA were found in patients treated inside a hospital and in the later stages of the disease. According to Zelenko, top electrophysiologists (doctors who specialize in heart rhythm problems) said they did not see any of the cardiac issues mentioned by the FDA in outpatient settings. They did find some cardiac items in the hospital settings but that it was unclear if hydroxychloroquine or an already damaged heart from the virus was the cause.

Information on the life-saving abilities of hydroxychloroquine will soon be almost impossible to find as tech companies have censored any positive discussion of the drug. YouTube took down Zelenko's pro-hydroxychloroquine video, saying it violated community guidelines. Twitter removed a tweet by Rudy Giuliani that said hydroxychloroquine is "100% effective" in treating the Wuhan virus.  

Dr. Gold stated, "Facebook removed the livestream of our conference that had 15 million views. Twitter forced us to delete video testimonials from our physicians, and our web host removed our website and claimed a 'violation of their TOS.'"

Gold, who added, "The media smeared us with lies and falsehoods," was fired from her position.


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