07-07 Politically Incorrect Daily - Politically Incorrect Humor

The question that has been puzzling me for some time is that if the CDC was deliberately attempting to sabotage the US response to the Wuhan virus and damage President Trump’s reelection chances, how would they act differently than they have so far? The answer, sadly, is that they would act precisely the way they have performed so far. Quite honestly, I’m not really sure which is worse; the nation’s premier public health agency being so enmeshed in partisan politics that it is willing to kill large numbers of people to win or the CDC being so blindingly incompetent that it killed a crap-ton of people because it can’t find its ass with both hands.

The latest blunder, and possibly the final straw is the discovery that CDC has been lumping positive tests for Wuhan virus and antibodies into one number:


The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and several state health departments have been reporting COVID-19 diagnostic tests and antibody tests as one grand tally, rather than keeping their results separate, The Atlantic reported.

Reporting these numbers as a lump sum, rather than two distinct data points, presents several major issues.

Namely, combining the numbers could make America’s diagnostic testing capabilities and testing rates appear higher than they actually are, according to The Atlantic. And as the tests serve profoundly different purposes, “positive” results from either test cannot be interpreted in the same way. Reporting all the positive results together, as one number, could skew our understanding of how many new COVID-19 cases emerge over time — a crucial metric to help control outbreaks as states begin reopening.

When told how the CDC chose to lump the results of both tests together, director of the Harvard Global Health Institute Ashish Jha told The Atlantic, “You’ve got to be kidding me … How could the CDC make that mistake? This is a mess.”

Exactly so. But if you were trying to create a narrative of an out-of-control pandemic, one that was possibly deadly, what better way do that than include the results of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people who have had Wuhan and likely didn’t even know they’d ever been infected into the current count of active cases? Alternatively, you could just be a f***ing idiot.

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  • Don't forget ....Fauci and Bill Gates are tight together......and Gates wants to thin out the world.....what better way than with a virus,... or Vaccine which Gates is pushing could kill a lot of humans.  Their NWO is on the horizon!

    "Bilderberg" is a front for the Illuminati,....between America and Europe....the "Cabal Elite"!  (Clinton, Soros was in that bunch)

     Perhaps Gates too??

  • We all know CDC is control by the Dsmocrates and Socialize leaders that main goal is to hurt President Trump.

  • If hillary had stolen the election, chances are, most Americans would be dead today.

    • Michael, you are so right. There would also be chaos, riots, divisiveness, etc. Thank the Lord the we have a steady and strong leader who put order where obummer left chaos. 

  • This whole traitorous debacle has only one outcome, investigate the cdc and find those responsible for their collusion with bill gates, chyyna, george soros and obama. Put them all in front of a military tribunal.

  • I was so happy to hear that the Trump administration is taking direct control of the covid data. Trump is the only public figure who can be trusted. Yet again, Trump shows true leadership. 

  • The coronavirus is real but managable via building up the immune system which is better than any vaccine.  BUT the lockdown has been the most stupendous HOAX ever to be perpetrated on the world since the establishment of the FEDERAL RESERVE.  For those who don't know the FED is not a government agency but it is THE MOST POWERFUL ENTITY IN THE USA.  Its power exceeds that of Congress and POTUS.  These are the BANKSTERS.  They control the world and have enslaved the population who have not a clue about the FED or their indirect enslavement.  The lockdown was conveniently implemented so that the FED could take advantage, while the people were preoccupied and at home, of a golden opportunity to restrict more freedoms and to print more money to further monetarily enrich their friend and the elites and make further inroads for a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.  Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Co., once said that if the American people understood what the FEDERAL RESERVE was all about there would be a revolution the next day.  I wonder why he said that?????  Americans should wake up and wonder also!!!!

  • Is this surprising given what we're learning about data collection in Florida? As a rule of thumb my antennae start waving the moment I see someone playing fast and loose with facts.

  • For the last few years I thought Barack Obama was the biggest scam ever perpetrated on the world. But now the "Kung Flu" pandemic has taken over the top spot.

  • CDC is corp/globalist oligarch controlled, as is WHO. As are all the alphabet soup agencies. What happened to the flu this year? This plandemic is being used to rapidly advance the NWO/one world gov agenda. They WANT to destroy capitalism (free enterprise) so they can set up an economic system based on energy credits. Serfdom for ordinary people.CDC owns a vaccine co and Fauci is on Gates board. 

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