The Wicked Witch of the Left - Imgflip

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  • the so called tolerance from so called open minded people is an oxymoron

  • Why is this Crazy woman still being listened to ?? She has been in collusion with the Russians for many, many years, and has encouraged women to have sexual relations with her husband becuase she can't stand him touching her!  If I was Bill, I wouldn't touch her anyway!!!

    • You forgot collusion with China.The Hidabeast along with Slick Willy will collude with anyone to line their pockets with more cash. They will give them anything they want for the right price. China helped them get into the White House in exchange for technology, specifically military tech. How do you think China's military became so big so fast in the last 20 years. The transfer of top secret military tech and made them a huge threat to the U.S. and the world.

  • All the evil, wicked, demonic communist demoncrats must be shutdown and exterminated for the good the the United States!!

  • Who decides what are lies?

  • You do realize that the Legendaary President Donald J. Trump is under second by second assault by the leftist fake yellow stream urinalists media, to the point that they have to lie, misquote, use incompetent anonymous sources to demean, defame and undermine our great president? 

    And for our Spanish speaking friends I just want to say " hillary clinton is still NACHO presidenta "!

    Be sure to vote in person, wear a mask if you must, social distance, stay safe, but, vote in person.

    Trump 2Q2Q, Making America GOD's Again!!!

    • Yes ... vote IN PERSON! I intend to do that.


  • NOT a democracy.  NOT a democracy.  NOT a democracy.  NOT a democracy.  NOT a democracy.  NOT a democracy.  NOT a democracy. 

    • The US of A is a republic.


    • I wonder why ...why it is so hard to not know that. Or that our rights are UNalienable, not INalienable.   UN means Undone, Un as is cannot, not legal. IN means inside, Words matter. 

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