
  • Charges of seditious conspiracy is about the only thing the commies haven't tried yet.

  • NEXT TARGETS?  They already are targets for misdirected and concocted accusations of sedition and treason...  These men are considered Anti-Revolutionaries and dangerous political dissidents, as they spread the alarm and expose the left's plans thwarting many they have stood their ground

  • The Question has already been answered.

  • The radical left is scared of people like Alex Jones and President Donald J. Trump, who speak the truth and keep their promises.

    • seems like they are scared od the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers as well!!

  • WOW ! a Weapon of mass Migration hits the nail on the head!  Using people as weapons is outrages!  This has to stop!

    • The only way this stops is for one party or the other to emerge victorious... and it doesn't look good for our side, the conservative Patriot lacks effective organization, leadership, and funding.  One doesn't secure liberty with uncommitted leaders, part-time, weekend warriors, or on a shoestring, pass-the-hat budget.  Freedom is not free and liberty requires the blood of those who want it.

      The traditional conservative leadership has failed to suppress the Left and the radical left smells blood in the streets.... The super-wealthy remain in a delusional stupor... believing they can negotiate with the Devil, they are unwittingly dancing to a narrative that leads to Hell's gulas. No one dances with the Devil and lives to tell it. 

      A review of history reveals that American gulags are not far off...  Where are the wealthy benefactors of our forefather's blood... those willing to pledge their lives, liberty, and fortunes to the pursuit of the American ideal?   They have not taken to the field and appear to be riding away from the battle... did they bargain for a better deal; and with whose blood will it require?  Is betrayal at the helm of our ship of state? Are the People ready to support their leaders in a battle royal for Liberty and the American Dream?  These questions are about to be answered whether we are ready to or not.

  • They'll try/do anything to prevent is because they KNOW their butts will be grass and Trump the lawnmower.

    • I fear that it will take more than a lawn mower or Pres. Trump... as good a man as he is the state o the Union is nearly hopeless and will require monumental organization and leadership to restore our Constitutional Republic.  So far, there is little evidence to suggest the Patriots and their LEADERS are up to the task before them.

    • Yes, I know, Colonel....just wishful thinking.


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