News reports have downplayed the significance of former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith’s guilty plea, acknowledging he altered an official document in the government’s Trump-Russia collusion probe. There has been some coverage, mainly because it is so rare to see FBI agents charged with a felony and because it is the first tangible result of U.S. Attorney John Durham’s sprawling investigation of the investigators. But mainstream news outlets have minimized its importance. It’s only one count, they say, and it deals with a relatively minor crime by a mid-level figure.
That’s spin, and it’s wrong. This plea is like finding water seeping from the base of a dam. The problem is not one muddy puddle. The problem is that it foreshadows the dam’s failure, releasing a torrent. That’s what the Clinesmith plea portends.
What Did Clinesmith Admit?
Clinesmith acknowledges he altered an email from the CIA to the FBI, answering a question about Carter Page. Page is an American citizen and a Naval Academy graduate who spent considerable time in Russia. His time abroad raised a question for the FBI’s counter-intelligence division. Was Page a Russian agent? Or was he on our side, helping the U.S. gather intelligence about the Kremlin? The CIA would know.
The answer mattered because the FBI and Department of Justice were preparing warrants to spy on Page as a hostile foreign agent. The CIA gave them a clear answer in August 2016, before the first warrant was issued: Page was working for us. That answer was given to a still-unnamed FBI case agent, and we don’t know what he did with it. Did he show it to those preparing the warrant applications? Why else would he even ask the CIA for the information?
In 2017, after Clinesmith was tasked to the Mueller investigation, their team asked him to clarify Page’s relationship with U.S. intelligence. That’s when he took the CIA document and added a single word, “not.” The altered document said Carter Page was not a CIA asset. It was a deliberate lie.
Clinesmith is pleading guilty to inserting that word and changing the document. That’s a felony. What made his crime more significant is that the altered document was then presented to the secret court overseeing actions taken under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. The special counsel included it in the fourth FISA application to spy on Page.
All four were chock-full of deception and dishonesty, but misrepresented to the court as “verified.” All of them said there “was probable cause that [Carter Page] was a knowing agent" of Russia. He wasn’t, and the applications’ authors had plenty of reasons to know it.
Why were they so determined to spy on a relatively minor figure like Carter Page? Because he was involved in Trump’s world and knew many others who were. James Comey’s FBI and Barack Obama’s White House wanted to know everything Trump was doing. Page was one window into that world. (Gen. Michael Flynn was an even better one, and we know he was exhaustively investigated.)
What really mattered was less the inclusion of Clinesmith’s false document than the omission of the CIA’s truthful one. The truth would have raised a bright red flag. The judges would likely ask, “If Page has worked closely with the CIA, how can you simply ignore that and say he is a Russian agent?” In other words, an accurate document might have killed the warrant renewal and called the previous three into question. The Mueller team wanted to avoid that, so they never let the FISA judges see the authentic document or know about it. Their omission was fateful and almost certainly criminal.
The Bullet Points That Leave a Bloody Trail
Clinesmith’s plea deal matters mostly because it sheds light on Durham’s broader investigation and the malfeasance he’s uncovering. To see that, let’s focus on the “bullet points,” which leave a bloody trail to larger crimes.
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A little positive thinking and America may at least exist in our minds as it once was... some may call it delusional.
I'm America and I will not stand idly by while those entrusted with defending my liberty filch my pockets and work to bind me with chains of tyranny...
I'm America... I have awakened to the cry of the innocent, to the widow and the poor, whose lives have been subverted by the deceit and fraud of those entrusted with the preservation of their heritage...
I'm America... and I will not permit any further loss to my liberties... to a criminal syndicate... operating out of Washington and the capitals in my homeland.
I'm America... and I will not go silently into the night... my cry has been heard by the Lord of Sabaoth. His sword has been loosed in the heavens and now it stands ready in the earth... Too, bring justice to the perverse and wicked.
I'm America... and my heritage is God's Trust for mankind, I have a calling that extends beyond this present place, to reach the heart of God... to bring the gospel of liberty unto a dying world... I will not quite, I will not be defeated.
I'm America... and I have been tested by the tyrants of the world... my metal is hardened, and the conviction of my soul rests in the power of God... I will not be moved, though the powers of darkness invoke their worst... I'm America.
RA Nelson
Col. US Army (Ret)
The Truth and honest men are extremely rare in politics today... it has become the harbinger of lies and misdirection... home for the unconscionable of the world. Criminals are exalted and honest men dismissed or discredited as non-conforming trouble makers... what is needed are more non-conforming individuals with the intestinal fortitude too take on the status quo and not let go... to wrestle with the evil powers running DC and to pin them to the mat for their lying deceitful administration of government power.
Character does matter ... it is really all that matters. If we can not trust our leaders, if they are not honest and trustworthy we can not expect our government to be trustworthy and to deal honestly with its citizens. Embellishing half-truths are nothing more than lies... pigs with lipstick are still pigs. We must stop fooling ourselves if we promote wicked men and women we can expect wicked results from government.
Glowing resumes with a long list of educational citations and key positions in the existing system... may only be an indicator of ones' willingness to go along with the problems infecting society... these impressive credentials may be a recommendation for what is not needed... if we are going to make our way out of the swamp.
"The Truth and honest men are extremely rare in politics today." That is indeed a true statement. And that is also why we support Trump no matter what. He always tells the truth and he is an honest man. Those things also made him a successful real estate developer in New York City and a successful reality show host in Hollywood. Without such traits Trump would not have succeeded in either New York City or in Hollywood. We are blessed that he shares himself with us by serving as our president.
Why UK Obliged
More On Why Assange Is Arrested
What reason could the DNC have to stop this investigation?
Remember Seth had access to the DNC computers and computer experts said the metadata on the WikiLeaks documents indicates the data was transferred from a DNC computer to a flash/thumb drive and then given to WikiLeaks.
Documents Released in Seth Rich Case Indicate a Federal Investigator Claims He Saw and Read Emails Between Rich and WikiLeaks
Yesterday more emails were released related to the Seth Rich case. The documents relate to a FOX News report that was eventually scrubbed.
We’ve been following the Seth Rich case for years as the MSM has ignored the story labeling it a conspiracy theory. Seth Rich was a young DNC employee who was murdered in Washington, D.C. in the summer of 2016. His death was labeled a robbery but none of his personal items were taken. Many suspect that Rich is related to the leak of DNC emails released by WikiLeaks in the fall of 2016 before the Presidential election.
Nearly all entities involved in the case have been reluctant to release any information related to the case. The FBI, DOJ and Intel Communities have consistently stalled efforts to obtain any related investigative material related to the case. But yesterday, FOX News released information it had related to the case per a court order.
The information released shows that FOX News had a report that was eventually shelved related to the case. Here is some information that was in the FOX News piece.
The first item of note is that a Federal Investigator claimed he had seen and read emails between Seth Rich and WikiLeaks:
The msm and the deep state label anything that calls out their deceptive ways a conspiracy theory, but in fact these "conspiracy theories" uncover reality and the truth.
SUNDANCE is doing a yeoman's job taking verifiable data from multiple sources and outting whole exact stories together then turning them over to authorities.
He says we MUST keep doing what we are doing if we want to right the ship.
Be greatly encouraged. Enemies of all that is good do what they do to discourage us. Do your job anyway and expect a great reward !!!
Since someone here mentioned Seth RIch might I refer to a recent story of the timing of the arrest of Julian Assange.
First, may the skepticism you all display keep all of you digging and digging and turning over every stone because the Deep State did not expect this kind of pushback by ordinary citizens.
James Comey deep sixed an essentially completed agreement with Julian Assange to reveal the source of the DNC documents, which we all know is Seth RIch. If this fact got out the entire Russian colusion hacking story would evaporate and the Mueller investigation could never happen. A second event was executed and frozen in time by Mueller which indicted Julian. It was insurance when the investigation ended Julian would get arrested so the original agreement could never happen and he was arrested just as the danger the above agreement would get signed.
There is a person who goes by the nom de plume SUNDANCE. He has been using data collected from dependable sources contracted to do tracing. These sources are not part of the deep state. Each source focuses within defined boundaries and work compartmentalized. He has essentially done the work of Durham independently and just turned it over. He encourages us to keep on digging and paying attention. The Deep State did not expect there to be so many ordinary people doing extraordinary things.
That is encouraging.