
  • Tucker Carlson was one of three fox shows I watched regularly, and recorded them to my DVR!!!!!  The others are Greg Gutfeld and Mark Levin!!!!!  There isn't really anything else there I want to see!!!!!!!!!!

  • I still watched Tucker Carlson on Fox. I liked the way he presents things asking viewers questions to make them think and answer for themselves. That's journalism unlike the propaganda at the msm channels including fox. No more fox or any other msm for me.

  • I still watch Hannity and Waters and Ingram But they don't hold a candle to TUCKER!!!

    • Hannity panders too much for me, I quit watching him about 5 years ago!!!!!  I like Laura Ingraham but don't watch her much because I spend most of my time watching sports or The First and Newsmax!!!!!!!!!!


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