This is a big, big deal, folks. During an interview with Mark Levin aired Sunday night on Fox News, Attorney General William Barr took the gloves completely off regarding the Black Lives Matter domestic terrorist group that, along with Antifa, serves as the insurrectionist arm of the Democrat Party.
Some of Mr. Barr’s quotes appear below. Read them carefully and you will see the U.S. Attorney General speaking with perfectly clear eyes about the true nature of BLM, which is indistinguishable from its fellow Democrat-sponsored terrorist group, Antifa, as I have been pointing out to readers here for weeks now:
The United States is grappling with a new form of “urban guerrilla warfare” driven by the left’s “lust for power,” Attorney General William Barr told “Life, Liberty & Levin” on Sunday.
Discussing the ongoing Black Lives Matter riots rippling through several U.S. cities, Barr told host Mark Levin that the organization — which has been characterized by the media as a fed-up activist group — is comprised of “Bolsheviks” with a focus on on “some form of socialism, communism.”
read more:
BLM and Antifa is a hate group period.
BLM and antifa need to be eliminated from American soil. We don't need racists or anti-fascists here. This is the U S of A!! God bless America!!
We have to do what was done when these same organizations rioted before they brought the troops in with armour and fities cal. They used water cannons on the ones that were'nt shooting at them but just destroying things and throwings crap at the cops.
I am curious how these terrorists travel from town to town to cause problems like Portland, and Seattle? Are they receiving Un-employment payments; welfare; or payments from the likes of George Soros? In those rare instances when they are arrested, do they get prison time, or just a slap on the wrist? Do they lose un-employment or welfare payments?
Time to officially designate both these groups as terrorist organizations, hunt them each down and into prison they go for a minimum of 20 years. The alternative is the loss of American citizenship and a one way trip to N. Korea or China or any other communist country.
Prison is NOT good enough for terrorist! Execution is the only prescribed punishment for communist terrorist!
We watched the program! Excellent!
Yes, it was fabulous to see the truth finally coming out.
He was great . Levin is wonderful. The interview covered much. I feel he is doing alot we do not know.
Yes, Levins program is ALWAYS worth watching!