The San Francisco ghosts in Kamala Harris' past [Willie Brown affair]

Kamala Harris, that vaunted self-righteous feminist candidate who's using her 'year of the woman' chops to challenge President Trump in 2020, has a little problem: She slept her way to the top.

You know, the mistress thing, not exactly moving on up based on hard work or merit, that little advantage of good looks (President Obama called her the 'best-looking' state attorney general), employed to their optimal practical use. Her political patron, former lawyer to pimps, Mayor of San Francisco, and State Assembly Speaker Willie Brown, admitted he helped her get her political start, writing in his bloggy San Francisco Chronicle column:

Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker.

And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco. I have also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a host of other politicians.

Now you know where we get these people from. Somehow Harris, who was in her late 20s or at most 30 when she dated the 60-year-old married Brown around 1994 did so because he was just so very irresistable. Here's how the San Francisco Chronicle reported it on Twitter:

WILLIE BROWN: "I’ve been peppered with calls from the national media about my 'relationship' with Kamala Harris, particularly since it became obvious that she was going to run for president. Yes, we dated."

— San Francisco Chronicle (@sfchronicle) January 26, 2019

That of course, was in exchange for certain kinds of favors. Her rival, Democratic candidate Elizabeth Warren got her start playing fake Indian. Kamala went the old fashioned way, sleeping her way to the top. Democrats have some pool of candidates here in this 'it's our turn' year of the woman and out to Get Trump offerings.

Willie Brown, of course, was California's most powerful politician, which might have had something to do with why Harris was out 'dating' the married man twice her age. And it's interesting because Brown, a former attorney for pimps in his pre-political days, seems to have a taste for the kind of women often seen in a positive light by pimps, such as this one - who represents Brown's taste in women. Not that it mattered that he was married, he's always had a girlfriend in the picture, according to the article. And well, Kamala was one of them.

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  • What is important is not just her personal life, it does illustrate her character and fitness for political positioning, but more insane than that is the immense marketing of her candicacy by the media, including that of Fox News.

    This pouring of propaganda into the public minds has a tremendous effect, especially on those who have voted democrat and are prone to do it again.  She is the democrat pick. So what? What did we expect anyway? Clinton? Rice? 

    Trump has no public outlet praising his accomplisments.  None.  If his name is mentioned at all it is nearly always in a negative light.  Everything bad is his fault. Everything.

    Fox News should be demeaning both Biden and Harris as anti-American idiots hell bent on the destruction of America and our way of life.  Not advancing the cause to elect them by presenting them as a viable alternate to Trump.  They are not at all that.  They are poison to what remains of the national health.  Tell the truth.  Present them as such.

    Sadly, we expect Trump to stand up for himself and take all this crap alone.  Does anyone truly understand that declaring Martial Law is what the damned democrats want?  What on earth does Antifa and BLM desire but the suspension of the Constitution along with our rights, including the right to own a firearm, and replace it with  Military forced behavior.  Martial Law, in this present day and age would soon culminate in a UN led police force, or even worse.

    The Military depends on command and control.  Command is the easy part. Control of what is commanded is most difficult.  Martial Law is an extreme measure. It could easily get out of control rather than restoring needed self control.  And if it is easy, it will soon happen.  Public police departments are vital for law enforcement.  Biden and Harris don't give a damn about the police. Their Marxist treasure chest keepers that control them do not want police at all. Nor do they want the American way of Life to continue any longer.

    • Always insightful, Dale. 

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