
  • Got a call from them yesterday. Still wondering how they got my cell and home phone numbers. I ended up hanging up on him since he would not shut up. All he wanted was $100. Show me some results and I may consider it in the future. Have not donated to them for several years.

    • i'm with you SHIRLEY.  These people have the Gaul asking for donations. They aren't doing "SQUAT" to prevent the fall of our nation.....My guess is thi$ i# THEIR "GET AWAY MONEY"

  • Need total reform......when I see it I'll donate, until then if they beg, I just laugh at them! 

  • No... Nada dime... When we see real reform, actual progress, and real support for the Party Planks and America First agenda and Pres. Trump... After a few decades of consistent conservative policy maybe we can begin direct donations... otherwise, send all your donations to the candidates of your choice and Pres. Trump.  Charlie is too close to them... the GOP has not demonstrated it has changed... tell me how they have changed.  Theyare still the party of globalism.

    The GOP remains united in its message that Trump's defeat was not fraudulent... They must acknowledge the theft... I want them to do what is right... not expedient, or pandering to the Globalist.  We need to see a break from the Chamber of Commerce policies... a moderation and a return to TRUE FREE MARKETS... Markets that invite every business to participate, not just the privileged and positioned megacorps. the party is also paying lip service to end the illegal alien invasion and an open border.

    Changing the NAMES of our Leadership is not enough... we need to see firm seed change in the GOP's policies... a return to conservative values and America First programs

    • Agreed

    • The RNC is still denying their BUD LIGHT moment... denying Pres. Trump the full support of the Party for his claims of fraud in the last election...They need to wake up... the base is not going to trust GOP Leadership until they come clean on their scuttling of Trump's challenges to fraudulent electors.  Hundreds remain in prison or charged over this BS... When they are released and made whole the healing may begin.

      VP Pence et al betrayed the Party and the American ELectorate by not permitting th Constitutional challenges to the Biden Electors.  Period... the election was stolen ... they must come clean or they will never be trusted. 

    • Stealing a Presidential Election IS NOT CHEATING... it is a serious felony.  Cheating is what children do when they copy their friends ' work or test answers.  The fraudulent acts necessary to steal the Election were complex and involved thousands of individuals... all of whom... must be charged and prosecuted ... before this rift in the American psyche and Electorate can heal.

      The People... unlike politicians... will not look the other way or barter their souls to achieve an illegal outcome.  Americans are a law-abiding people... and the theft of our Ballots and the election is not a minor act in the eyes of the public THe RNC/GOP will NEVER ... NEVER be trusted by its base UNTIL the issues over the stolen election are PROPERLY and legally dealt with.

      The GOP/RNC is experiencing a come-to-Jesus moment... a 'Bush Lite' event.  They must acknowledge their failure to defend our vote and our candidate Pres. Trump... those key individuals involved in the orchestrating of this theft ... election fraud must.... MUST g to jail...

  • What have they done to far to earn our support?  It was Trump who pressured them to fire Ronna. They didn't do it on their own.

    • What have they done... besides give away the power of the purse, fail to Impeach a lawless President, give the Afghans 85 Billion in arms, munitions, and equipment, fund a plethora of wars around the world... engage in covering up bribery and money laundering schemes, allow several million dependent illegal liens entry into the US A.  Add 6-7 trillion to our national debt and much more... all negative.

    • Amen, bro.


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