
  • An "ax" is a tool or a weapon, it's not a Question!

  • Well, IDN, Me and my whatevers, we seen sompin down at the whatever, who knows, bro...?

    Or try, 

    Myself and bro went to the whatever and got me sompin at the whatever. 

  • When her poorly educated students later find themselves unemployable in any capacity other than the most menial jobs, perhaps they can come back and axe her for a job?

  • Once again it looks like the grassroot is working and patriots are taking over school boards. They represent the large majority of the country and they do the right thing by banning harmful books, teachings, teachers, and any corruption of our youth. 

  • We must be nuts to finance our won destruction within the public school system. The socialist Marxist school system must be shut down completely. It is no longer doing the job of educating our children and keeping America a free country.  

  • They are complete fools and should be fired

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