
  • The Democrats want total war! The Trump voters knew that, the Biden voters didn't bother to do their homework. 

  • What better way to force a new world order... than to BLOW UP THE OLD WORLD ORDER first?  Watch as the super-wealthy silently disappear from our major cities and the current centers of political power... as they move to prepared shelters, in places like Paraguay or Uruguay...leaving the rest of the world to suffer the wrath of war and the latest scheme to reduce the world's population.

  • Sure, now Putin is drooling looking at Poland wanting to help them denizify and get rid of corruption! 

  • As a VIETNAM VET i am well aware how we ended up there it started with military supplies then advisors then boots on the ground. We may very well see the same thing in UKRAINE. The difference this time we will be facing an enemy with NUCLEAR  WEAPON CAPABILITY A WAR IN WHICH THERE WILL BE NO WINNER, I am well aware that UKRAINE HAS THE RIGHT AND SHOULD DEFEND THEIR NATION AS ANY NATION SHOULD, What is really troubling is no one is even considering or talking about coming to a peaceful solution its absolutely something that needs to be addressed. As yet no one in the Political Arena around the world  has even offered a suggestion or formed a coalition to try and find a peaceful end so the fighting death and destruction continues. One would think that is absolutely in EUROPES best interest to try and find a peaceful solution. I believe RUSSIA was and still is the aggressor and that UKRAINE had to respond  to defend their homeland and they were justified in doing so, But a peaceful solution should be given some serious consideration.

    • What better way to force a new world order... than to BLOW UP THE OLD WORLD ORDER first?    Consider that for a while and then ask WHY NO ONE IS TALKING PEACE,,,

    • Putin saw the opportunity to take what he wants, using the excuse there are a lot of Russian in those areas. According to that mentality since there are a lot of Mexicans in California, Arizona, Texas, if Mexico wanted those areas I guess it would be ok. If a bunch of Muslims populate a state, should it become a Muslim state?

      Putin only wants a peaceful solution if ukraine gives him what he wants, he knows full well Ukrain isn't going to do that, the bully then only would demand more, eventually he would demand all the countries the Soviets controlled. I guess we just have to watch Ukrain fight as long as they can, and when Putin takes over, rent and watch Mr. Jones, to see what will happen (again) to the Ukrainian people.

      NO, I am not interested in going to war over Ukrain, but I'm also not interested in Putin getting his way. 

    • The dispute over the Ukraine and Russian sovereignty has been going on for over a thousand years... Russia considers Ukraine to be a province... America and NATO need to back off as this is a CIVIL WAR. 

      The only reason it is being supported by elements in the EU and the West is due to the GLOBALIST'S recent failure to ignite a GLOBAL RESET on their own initiative (the Pandemic and an Economic Collapse).  The Globalists want the wolrd to go up in smoke, so they can put it back together as a socialist state.

    • None of would have happened under Trump! It all started the day O'Biden stoled the Presidentcy. 

  • The corrupt UN should be disbanded. They cause too much trouble

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