
Continuing with its extortion effort of businesses its business model expansion, "review" website Yelp - which in the past has been accused of making business owners pay to get negative reviews taken off the site - is now also getting into the business of social justice. The two just go so well together!

Yelp said in a blog post on Thursday that it now going to be appending a "Business Accused of Racist Behavior Alert" to any businesses page where they have been accused of racism.

"Yelp’s User Operations team already places alerts on business pages when we notice an unusual uptick in reviews that are based on what someone may have seen in the news or on social media, rather than on a first-hand experience with the business," the blog says.

It continues: "Now, when a business gains public attention for reports of racist conduct, such as using racist language or symbols, Yelp will place a new Business Accused of Racist Behavior Alert on their Yelp page to inform users, along with a link to a news article where they can learn more about the incident."

So at least they'll be citing the news when they singlehandedly devastate someone's business. Good thing the mainstream media always has the story right.

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