Yeshiva University Ceases All Campus Clubs After Supreme Court Forces Recognition of LGBTQ Group
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NBC News: Yeshiva University has abruptly suspended student club activity in the wake of a U.S. Supreme Court decision earlier this week that ordered the school to recognize – for now – an LGBTQ student group (NBC News). Fox News: The dispute stems from a New York state court ordering Yeshiva to grant full recognition to a LGBTQ+ club on campus. Yeshiva has argued it is a religious institution and cannot be forced to recognize something at odds with the university’s religious mission (Fox News). Becket: Yeshiva University is America’s oldest Jewish institution of higher education. “Yeshiva” literally means a school for studying the Talmud – and Talmud studies remain at the heart of everything Yeshiva does (Becket). Albert Mohler: This is not like a trespassing issue. This is not like a boundary dispute on real estate. This is a matter of moral conviction on one of the most basic moral issues faced by humanity through millennia. I think it’s a very ominous sign (The Briefing).

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  • What has happened to our Christian based Government when our Supreme Court is supporting Satan? " Thank you "Yeshiva".  

  • Good for them, the kids are there to study and learn, not to waste their parent's money 

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