You Get What You Get




Supporters were somehow expecting something different?

Regrets are flooding Twitter like an exultation of Egrets: beautiful to behold, but ultimately leaving a massive trail of poop. You can’t say you weren’t warned.


People are shocked.. Literally SHOCKED that Joe Biden’s policies are… bad for the country. *Gasp* , but… but… but, we voted for Transgender equality at the expense of our women of color and daughters. Ummm, yeah.



Apparently not. The Hill, not exactly a White Supremacist or Right-Wing rag had this to say back in May of 2020:

“Does Biden’s record warrant such confidence? Not really. In fact, Biden has a long history of lying — about himself, about his past and about events that never took place.

“Democrats want the 2020 campaign to be a referendum on President Trump. Fine, but if this is to be a contest of characters, it is only appropriate that Joe Biden’s history of fabrication and deceit – often intended to bolster his intellectual credentials – also be fair game.”

From a history of plagiarism, to lying about the gains and policies of the Obama-Biden administration, to what he planned to do on Day 1 if he was elected president. People had a 47-year recorded history of Biden’s lies, his racism, his flip-flops, and his predilection toward inappropriate behavior with young women and children. But that Bad Orange Man…


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  • Well, we are no different than North Korea now; another country owned by China and told what to do by China.

  • Has everyone forgotten that the federal government has just been overthrown with a fraudulent and unconstitutional election? Nobody wants to face the fact that communists just overthrew the government. Wake up. The federal government is nothing more than a proxy government of China.

    What is Texas going to do about it? Reading between the lines I see “it’s done, move forward.” Texas… all hat and no cattle. Show me I’m wrong.

    The state legislature must pass a resolution stating their belief that the election was fraudulent and unconstitutional. Where Texas goes, other states will follow.

    It is the states that accept the obviously fraudulent and unconstitutional election that have seceded from the Union of constitutional states. They are the rebellion. The states that do not accept the fraudulent and unconstitutional election are the United States, as defined by the Constitution, which is the only definition of the United States.

    Is Texas going to lead the restoration of the United States? Or is Texas just another “all hat and no cattle” bunch of coward blowhards? The election was very obviously fraudulent and unconstitutional. What are you going to do about it? I just changed my voter registration to Libertarian.

  • Our Governemnt let Illegal votes count and certified them so they could have biden as President. Trump had 80 Million legal votes form Americans. All Americans., not divided by anything because we are Americans and that is all we care about. Until this corruption is gone, things will not get better. 

  • Trump got 72% of the legal votes because Americans can see that he cares for them and not just for the rich and definitely not for the establishment. Biden is the opposite of that. Biden cares for the establishment only. No wonder there is buyer's remorse. 

  • I doubt that they learned their lesson.  They probably still think it is only Biden that is corrupt -  not the entire Democrat party.  Has anyone but me wondered why our black brothers and sisters have voted Democrat?  After all, if you look at history, it is not the Democrat party who has tried to erase the stain of slavery.  They were the party of the KKK, they were the party of the Southern aristocracy who thrived on slavery, they were the party of the segragation, dcarpetbaggers and of George Wallace.  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr know this.  Why don't the blacks of today.

  • Theu may have voted for him but he still got the Presidency by fraud. No good usually comes out from a corrupt party.

  • Somehow, I'm not laughing despite the irony.

  • It would be funny if it wasn't tragic!

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