
  • Well YES, Nauseaus, sickening, tiresome games.  But bad enough we have to be under the thumb of our D.C CATEL and " CAPO- PUPPET" BIDEN:  ZELENSKI needs to "F. O." , Shut his yap and disappear:  VOLODOMOR is NOT one of our own D.C. cartel criminals: To the moon with him. 

  • I agree. Games for them. But for us it is Freedom and Liberty and Sovereignty  that is at stake. 

    • MOST MADDENING: We are expending our assets for the UKRAINE while OUR USA is going to Hell in a handbasket under the corrupt, false, pusillanimous, lying stance of "our" congress.  WE THE PEOPLE DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR GAMES....

  • He is's all political games! 

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