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  • As I stated from the beginning ... not all things are as they appear in the Eukrane civil war... corruption and money laundering...  a grand spectrum of global betrayal and intrigue.  a manufactured crisis used to feather the nests of the globalist elite.  The Ukrainian conflict is the construct of the New World Order and the Globalist cabal (WEF) behind the GREAT RESET... It is a manufactured crisis to collapse the world's economic order... too, destroy the US Dollar, and neutralize the Russian Federation's ability to resist the new world order. 

    It's about creating a global famine, and economic crisis ... by collapsing Eukraine's grain and energy markets, impacting the EU's economic security... while the US Dollar is being destroyed and our economy wrecked. It is just one of several assaults on the current world order... The existing social, government, and economic order are under attack by a Globalist Cabal of the Super Wealthy (WEF)... They want it... all.  They want a feudal economy and government.

  • Money laundering hub.  Elensky is a fraud and the pigs in DC are feeding on his sh*t.


    Zelensky is a corrupt piece of shit, bleeding his corrupt counterpart Biden dry. Why?

    This in NOT our war.

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