Zero Hour For America

Peggy Perez on Twitter: "96 days and OUR voices will be heard! WTP will make  liberals cry again with a huge #Trump2020LandslideVictory  #GoRedStateByState #TakeBackTheHouse #KeepTheSenate #DrainTheSwamp  #PromisesMadePromisesKept #TrumpRocks!… https://t ...

After a couple years of this perma-campaign, we’re finally poised to utterly humiliate them once again. Look, I think we win and I don’t think it’s going to be close. Most people in the know – whatever the hell that means – agree. We can feel the enthusiasm, we see the Dems solemnly trudging towards defeat. We all recognize the utter absence of any statistically significant move from Trump to Biden since 2016, while the opposite shift is manifest. The only thing that doesn’t support a Trump rout are some of the polls, but what the CNN/Weenis Strategy poll of living and/or dead Democrat voters says means nothing.

All that remains is for us to go out and win this.

Some cliches are still true. You gotta vote. Your family and friends gotta vote. And other conservatives gotta vote. You can help get people to the polls – hit here to do your part.

So, how do you not go nuts as Election Day turns into Counting Days?

Well, don’t do what Hunter Biden would do. That’s not good for anyone.

First, chill. There’s nothing you can do now anyway – except for living out those aforementioned cliches.

Look, we’ve got a good plan and we are executing it well. Donald Trump and his surrogates are tirelessly hitting the key states, drawing huge crowds eager to stand out in the cold just to see Trump bust a move to “YMCA.” Our strategy was always to hit the polls on Election Day – that’s your part of the plan and you’d slither through rows of barbed wire to cast your vote for Lil’ Wayne’s favorite president. So, we’re in a good place, with a solid plan being executed well.

Second, everyone in the mainstream media will lie to you all day as the voting is happening. Ignore them. Nothing anyone says, except for hardcore conservatives, should give you any pause. Sure, hardcore conservatives can be substantively wrong, but they will not lie to you. The mainstream media will lie to you precisely because they wish to elicit that sinking feeling in your gut that all is lost so that instead of venturing out to the polls you find a closet and curl up in the bottom in a fetal position.

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