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Issues of Interest ~ 4

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Ten Absolute Truths About the 2020 Election and
Election Fraud That Every American Should Understand
dsQsqEP5CG_y01OMM6lj0JE-vO5_Q8S1jgrc4l6Iv0MsX0GZIbB0jur19QvLrR4bNtBIUrp8yn7Flw-9OhDgpJcF99nIRlNqRLmM2yHyWTPFyWq1nuOVX9PyZ0ESEGJ_f2kUSidllMHW1hqwo-nxAgut=s0-d-e1-ft#<a href=
by Kevin Freeman

Writing “10 Absolute Truths” on any subject could be considered bold, overly ambitious, or just downright a

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The 2020 Insurrection

MAGA MEME PATRIOTS: Insurrection Act & Martial Law Election Steal War -  Salty Army Ready - Imgflip

Can we now stop calling this an election? By pretending this insurrection is a legitimate democratic process, we're playing into our enemy's hands, giving credence to the lie that a decrepit, corrupt, sickly old man, Joe Biden, has been elected pres

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