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What is the difference between a leftist and a liberal?
Answering this question is vital to understanding the crisis facing America and the West today. Yet few seem able to do it. I offer the following as a guide.
Here’s the first thing to know: The

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Leftist destruction

Today, America has a choice of two paths. We can embrace the foundational principles that created this nation of limited government and individual liberty. Or we can veer down the path of those who trash those principles, who teach our children that

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The Patriot Post ~ 5 issues

Texas to the Rescue?

xqrr7VvsYes5uN6a-Ks9fbuKGsB7vHppB7mdgeMXvKXnKPfMXHcFbKbMMvLqgQEuaF8BCYvrKnuqXYi3xuWxxk7IJ8zAfZqO9rBcUieTCYXU4x5E5OSgQLQdJAc1sGPjJHSFUNVQjONMeXsBwQXMFCAPV2iYuThbrmILJtqjNE8vsGkq=s0-d-e1-ft#?profile=RESIZE_400xDOUGLAS ANDREWS  If President Donald Trump isn’t jetting off to Mar-a-Lago on January 20, he may well have Ken Paxton to thank for it. Paxton, the attorney general of Texas, filed a pleading with the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday i

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