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Dominion fraud

Dominion election voter fraud
Sidney Powell along with Trump’s legal team are on a warpath, working tirelessly to expose the voter fraud that took place in the 2020 election. Powell just dropped a massive lawsuit in the states of Georgia and Michigan,

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The Patriot Post

Trump Doubles Down on a Stolen Election
WroObF3a0WzjFPevhdYNiIvlS1zihG5LuY-WqpMXonNg7hBR2S7wtHPOSStT_M9kYDzFkdOszdEX_uwuLgYWLegPrJit8fVAwVSfXH6MNTWd6mUjMXBRuYawo12bMH8N-yEDtzH084CuQzV7SOWn2jvhSZlepxmQ46_sJdci--VM9LKD=s0-d-e1-ft#?profile=RESIZE_400xDOUGLAS ANDREWS   “This may be the most important speech I’ve ever made.”

So began a lengthy address by President Donald Trump from the White House yesterday, during which he laid out in detail many of the anoma

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