The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday vacated two lower court decisions that blocked the government from excluding illegal aliens during the process of allotting congressional seats
While the Supreme Court's Dec. 18 decision will allow the Trump administ
At a meeting in Florida today, everyone was asking why aren’t the Republicans up in arms & fighting over the fact that the Democrats stole the rigged presidential election? Especially in the Senate, they said, where you helped 8 Senators win their ra
Trump is requesting strimulus payments of $2000 each, and the Hous ehas passed legislation to fulfil that request. Please contact your Senator to ask him/her to vote for Trump's request to increase the $600 stimulus payments in the recent COVID reli
Instead of using the traditional term, “women,” to describe which half of the population has the ability to get pregnant and give birth, woke elitists at Harvard decided to use a far less common term: “birthing people.”
🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 The Washington Post for some reason believed that one of the many hotels we frequent was newsworthy. Because of this the hotel decided to close for 3 days. A hotel that prides itself with saying they haven’t closed their doors since it’s open
Well, the votes are in, and the U.S. House of Representatives has voted to override President Donald Trump’s veto of the defense policy bill. Now, the proposed legislation will go to the Senate, where it is expected to be passed due to a collaborati
This year was a disaster in just about every respect, but nothing compares to the overall disaster that is the media. Informing the public and seeking the truth took a backseat to agenda pushing and straight-up advocacy. While everyone in the media
The list at the end of this post contains the contact information of the ten most important people in America that almost no one knows. Here is why YOU MUST CONTACT THEM!!!
State Legislative Leaders Hold the Power, If They Use It
Back in the day, when I was managing editor at the Daily Inter Lake in Kalispell, Mont., I enjoyed the end-of-year ritual of voting in the Associated Press’s poll of the Top 10 news stories.
When I started participating in the year 2000, my list wou
A number of GOP Senators are preparing to reject the Electoral College’s vote count next month. As the House and Senate get ready for the formal count on January 6, a group of Republican House members are planning to object to the results of the Elec
A Delaware computer repairman who went public with the sordid contents of Hunter Biden’s hard drive is now suing Twitter for defamation — claiming its content moderation unfairly branded him a “hacker.”