#BREAKING: President Trump is expected to sign an executive order tonight pertaining to social media --via @johnrobertsFox , more details tonight on @foxnewsnight
The Palestinian Authority's top religious authority declared in a recent TV appearance that the Quran effectively gives Muslims the authority to kill any Israeli.
Two Brooklyn lawyers, including an Ivy League graduate corporate attorney, are facing federal charges for tossing a Molotov cocktail into an NYPD vehicle early Saturday morning during a protest over the police killing of George Fl
Attorney General Barr’s statement on rioting, the role of the Department of Justice, and Antifa.
“The violence instigated and carried out by Antifa and other similar groups in connection with the rioting is domestic terrorism and will be treated acc
I was at Downtown Oakland protests a little while ago. Let me say something; the people breaking glass, breaking into windows & starting fires were WHITE men wearing all black. They had hammers and walkie talkies. They were organized. BLM protestors
President Trump was right when he placed blame Saturday for the riots tearing apart cities around the country on Antifa and other radical left-wing groups. He should now go one step further and declare Antifa a domestic terrorist organization.
If you watch one video about these protests please let this be it. This made me cry. I have said since day one that this is nothing but a ploy by white liberals, which will destroy another generation of black youth. These #AntifaTerrorists are targe
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) and the U.S. House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence asked the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia to dismiss the lawsuit against them for
We've mentioned in nearly every singleone of ourposts about this week's dustup between the president and Twitter that the Ayatollah has an account on the company's platform, where he routinely spouts dangerously anti-American rhetoric, without dra
Joe Biden is very fond of comparing the Obama/Biden administration to the Trump/Pence administration, and often boasts about how there was supposedly never a hint of scandal during the Obama/Biden years.
Nine years ago, I stared down the barrel of a rifle pointed at me by a Denver riot squad as the man holding it screamed at me and my companions to “Go home! Now!”
Let me back up.
Nine years ago, a group of disgruntled youth set up camp in New York
They’re not hurting the police. They’re not hurting the people who they think are “oppressing them.” They’re hurting people like this. It’s sick. pic.twitter.com/htfM5r90qW