Attorney General William Barr said the Justice Department had "scores of indictments" filed against people who committed violence during a wave of protests across the country.
During Thursday's episode of Texas Sen. Ted Cruz's podcast, Verdict, wh
Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Tex., says that “Marxist-backed” protesters are trying to foment a Bolshevik-style revolution in the United States.
When violence erupted in Minneapolis over the death of George Floyd, the local leaders made a startling statement. The governor suggested that foreign actors, including cartel members, were behind much of the widespread destruction. It compelled the
This nation has never been perfect and even embraced the atrocity of slavery, but it has continued to improve, sometimes dramatically, throughout our history, and has continued to sacrifice like no other nation to liberate others in the world.
Nearly two-thirds of the money the Biden Cancer Initiative spent since its founding in 2017 went toward staff compensation and six-figure salaries for top executives. The group spent far less on efforts to eradicate cancer.
The mob succeeded in defacing the statue of Andrew Jackson in Lafayette Square and spray-painting on St. John’s Church, a structure the mob set fire to several
Grand Rapids police are investigating after an officer was shot at while on the job.
The incident happened at around 10:30 p.m. Wednesday while the officer with the Grand Rapids Police Department was working an investigation near Pleasant Street and
{ } ~ It’s certainly frustrating to watch a pack of reeking leftist scumbags declare a portion of an American city an “autonomous zone” – what is it with Democrats and t
Black Lives Matter Leader: “If this country doesn't give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it.. I could be speaking figuratively. I could be speaking literally. It’s a matter of interpretation.”
A federal appeals court on Tuesday ruled that the Trump administration can move forward with expanding a procedure for quickly deporting undocumented immigrants while a lawsuit against the program moves forward.
New York City will allow a “Black Lives Matter” mural to be painted on the street in front of Trump Tower, according to a statement from Democrat Mayor Bill de Blasio’s office.
Page saw Evans as the only “holdup” on getting a wiretap approved. She applied what pressure she could. “I communicated you and boss’s green light to Stu earlier, and just sent an email to Stu asking where things stood,” she texted McCabe. “This mig
“Look at my staff,” Joe Biden said back in December.
The subject of diversity had come up in an NPR interview: Only white candidates had qualified for the next Democratic debate, one of the last before the start of the primary, and the reporter aske