The NWO Is Shifting Into Ramming Speed

Why The Hurry Up

This fast Vatican bamboozle is just one symptom of something we’re seeing in several segments of society. I think they’re nervous about completing their timeline and whatever other stupid goals they’ve set they think they need to fulfill according to their ignorant thinktanks, occult jerkwads or whatever.

It’s pitiful what they’re doing. Such desperation. Why? They’re scared.

Just look at the speed and profundity of other significant events now being orchestrated in our faces.

Here’s a quick six of biggies in our faces right now:

–The EU just moved to confiscate a percentage of savings in private accounts in Malta to bail out more corruptbanks. That is well beyond all previous levels of financial intrusion.

–The Royal Society announces their eugenics intentions in plain sight. Number reductions, and potential methods of doing so.

–Obama and company’s extremely rapid erosion of American civil and otherwise liberties via fascistic executive orders, including a subject never before confronted in such a crass, frontal manner – disarming the American public.


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