Adam Andersen's Posts (2)

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The Tea Party Needs to Unite(Physically)

Fellow Tea Party members, our time has come to truly unite under one banner. Over the years it appears that the Tea Party fire is dwindling. In some areas it may be more active than others, but in my district they are either underground or non existent. I believe that the only way to make change is to unite. Not just here online, on the forum or chatroom. But to physically unite and discuss our plan. Our resources and efforts are plenty, but we have no detective. We have no single priority. If we have one then it is too broad to make any sort of powerful impact. Remember, it only takes one seed to plant a tree. With proper care and focus the Tea Party can achieve anything. So the solution? We must unite(physically) and retain our focusing on what we are fighting against. Someone once told me, to get difficult things done, one must focus much like how one uses a hammer on a stone. 1 Focused strike probably won't do the job. But several will eventually split the stone in two. So in closing I encourage all Tea Party members to unite, focus and keep at it. Eventually, something is going to give.
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I look at the American political landscape, and I become overwhelmed. When I see the broad spectrum ursurpations being committed by our president to our country, my heart becomes heavy with dread, rage and spite. My number one wish is to see our country resolve the issues peacefully. But my heart is compelled to see that the oppurtunity for a peaceful resolution will soon expire. I am overwhelmed by Obamacare, the mistreatment of our military, the demonization of the Tea Party, Congressional failings and most of all, the active movement to remove God from our country. I am overwhelmed by the hateful rhetoric coming from the left towards conservatives.

  I have since, tuned out the left. In my mind, the left is blindly following a vicious dicator in the white house, and are hopeless. That is why I am turning to the Tea Party for comfort and expression, because it is here where I feel 100% comfortable to express my deepest views.

  I am deeply saddened, but I cannot cry. My body aches and my sleep is restless. No matter how hard I try to ignore the issues of the day, they always come back and wake me up. If you would like to know what has woken me up and made me speak out? Obamacare! This is not a bill, it is a tyrannical order from the false King Obama, to force us to buy an evil product. I myself will not be able to afford this evil law and I will wind up paying the penalty "If I choose to" I am worried and furious over the IRS being able to enforce this law. I want my freedoms back!

 Both my grandfathers served in the Marines to help protect what I have today. It enrages me to see the deaths of millions of Americans, from the Revolutionary War to Present, be faced with vanity. Parts of my family have already demonized me for joining the Tea Party. Thinking I'm crazy. No, they are the crazy ones. The far left who follow President Obama like a god, are crazy idolitors. They are brainwashed and it makes my stomach turn just thinking about it.

 Many of you will ask what the solution is. You and I both know what it is, but we are just to afraid to say it. And Rightly so! I cannot over this website say everything that needs to be said. Thus, I hope people here will begin to pickup on some hints that I am giving, just by the way I am writing. If any of you are picking up my vibe, I must tell you this. That solution, must be delt with extreme caution and planning. It cannot be done on a whim. Actions taken brashely without planning will eventually fail. That is why we must be very careful and discreet.

  America as we know it is on the verge of becoming a dicatorship. We must do everything we can to stop it. The solutions right now are to flood Congress with faxes and emails about our discontent. However, these actions appear to be falling on deaf ears.

 If we the people, cannot get representation then we must force it. Force it on the people we put in office, and if they go against the people. Throw them out immediatly! Don't wait for the next election. Why? Because the next election will not fix anything unless we elect a 100% new congress and presidential administration. And how is that possible with those people on the other side refusing to listen? They continue to follow a treacherous path knowingly or with ignorance. I mean that literaly.

 Every single politician connected to leftist lobby must be removed from office. For they are a threat to the country. And Remember they say that about us to that we are dangerous. They may not go quietly. Hint Hint.


Well that's it for this post.

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