Every day I receive notices from the Tea Party that list what can only be called crimes against the United States by Barack Obama, some tags ask if this will get him fired, or how the Tea Party is exposing America's Fraudulent President.
Over the past three or four years in watching how Obama literally is able to change the laws to fit his needs or what he wants rather than using the system we have (ie: Congress and the House) he simply has an Executive Order filled out, he signs it and wham, instant law, no debate, no discussion and no Republican involvement, in put or idea's.
Obama has failed at just about everything he has done with the exception of giving really good speaches, playing basketball, golfing or vacationing. As far as matter of the state go, I think he made it clear that he prefered to "be at home at dinner time" so the family could all eat at once, that took priority over meeting with the Republicans while setting policy in the first two years, which regardless of what the media says Obama completely excluded the Republican Party, he closed all the doors, held private meeting, offered bribes, back room deals made more promises all to get the Affordable Health Care Law (ie:ObamaCare) passed the majority of America did not want.
To think at this time Obama will be or would be charged for anything he has done in violation of US law since his first day by ingoring our laws, refusing to represent the United States, making racist comments or injecting himself in race related issues, refusing to follow the legal progress, but also blatently commiting Treason by giving a speach that outlined the dates, amount, capabilities and date of return of all US troops he ordered to Afganastan for the Surge he ordered will never happen.
When we have reporters like Juan William, Geroldo Riveria, Alan Comes, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC all these transgressions and acts will never be reported nor will they ever be investigated. This point was not only proven but drove home when we all saw the New Black Panthers not only intimidate voters in 2010, we saw and heard them threaten to "kill all the crackers", we all saw Attorney General Eric Holder not only refuse to comply with Congressional Investigations involving the Fast and Furious Scandal, but Obama gave him Presidental Priviledge.
Even this week we have 21 US Embassies being attacked by Islamic Terrorist and while US citizens are being killed and our Emabassies are burning to the ground, Obama being the upstanding type guy he is continued to champaing for re-election, there is no media out cry, no aksing why are you not doing your job to protect American interest across the country and world, the media instead focused on Mitt Romney and a comment he made. Yet we also know that when that 3 a,m. call came it was Hillary who answered, not Obama, he was sleeping.
As long as Obama using multiple Social Security Numbers, false or forged Selective Service Records, a forged Birth Certificate, sealed College records, no identifiable past, is in office there is no one that can do anything to stop him. The Democratically Control Senate will not allow any form of legal action to be taken, thus there no chance of Impeachment or charges of Treason being filed. The sad part of course is by the time Obama is done in November assuming he does not buy the election again it will take our kids, kids, kids grandkids to even touch the debt he created, and turn the US back around.
This individual has created such a hardship on the working poor they may never be able to recover, the same Government that created this mess is the same Government that enforces the laws that cause severe hardship on the middle, working class. The cost of everything has doubled or even tripled with no increase in pay or income, the only ones benefiting are the same slobbering Obama lovers, most who live on Welfare and there is no end in sight. There is rumor going around gas is going to hit $5.00 or $6.00 per gallon, if that happens this country will not grind to a hault, it will be like slamming into a brick wall, the Obama Administration's answer is to dump billions more into the economy with apsolutely none of it going to anyone that could actually use it.
In summary, as long as Obama has the Media in his checkbook and they refuse to report the real Barack Obama or even investigate him or his past, the average US citizens has nothing they can do, we cannot demand he be Impeached because niether the Senate or Eric Holder will allow such action to be forwarded or debated, our elected state officials especially if they are Democrat either do not care if we fax, call or complain, they do not or will not speak out against the self appointed Messiah. Obama answers groups that bind toagther to fight his illegal actions such as the Tea Party or anyone who speaks out aganst him like myself are tagged "anti-Obama and Racist, we are put on a domestic Terrorist Watch list, while Obama tells the Armed Forces to prepair to "fight against the Citizens, while buying millions of rounds of ammunition for the Government Agencies and trying to take away our individual rights
Al, United States Air Force Retired, Non Combat Service Disabled Veteran 84-05