Andrew Mccoy's Posts (4)

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m by any means defend jereusalem!!!!!

WE must if asked Jereusalem they are our allies and friends they provide intel on the jihadist along with other countries we cant trust the same if Jereusalem is attacked we must support and defend them they are the only light in a contenent of darkness and hatred

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My love of America

I love waking in the appartment above the old McCoys grocery and meat market ,built in 1900 it was vital to the community. Saddley in 1990 the superstore corporate market won and my grabdfather swallod his pride and closed the store. His great grand dad and all of my family would be and are repulsed by the presidents comments the McCoy's built this American life I love a life of love for god and enduring patriotism. The government may manage but they didn't make the America I love my family my friends the people did. Socialist, MARKSISt or any other idea is wrong and builds great tyrants and slaves. Capitolism the colonial drive, god and the constitution must be our way. Don't let them spoil freedom with a lie of hope and change
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We must oppose the godless and embrace the misguided with morality and conviction in our faith. College, unfortunately has destroyed many minds with rants of seditious hate for our free land , if we do nothing then the radical progressives will brainwash them all, teach love, patriotism , duty, morality, endurance, preseverance and above all why this nation will rise to meet the challenges ahead, because this nation is gods land . The socialist evil will not return and destroy us with the lies of a pogressive idiologue and rewrite history. Stand up and shout "hell no, I am a child of liberty tyrany will not rule this land any longer
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I am

I am Andy, I am a republican and member of the NRA I am 30 and absolutely christian devotion to America isn't laid to waste in all the young of the country some of us won't be destroyed by proffesors and we don't buy into socialist ideolog, simply put,we want America back and fear not the ruthless occupy and move on followers of paid undetermined idiots. We will stand we will preseve capitolism and god. We will never lay down our arms bibles or flags, sons of liberty must return
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