Benny Huang's Posts (32)

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Former Senator Jim Webb was something of a wallflower during last week’s Democratic debate, though not because he didn’t want to get out on the floor and dance. He said afterward that he believes the debate was rigged to favor Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, leaving the lesser known candidates—himself, Martin O’Malley, and Lincoln Chafee—confined to the sidelines. When the floor was his he seemed perturbed and complained that he wasn’t getting as much time as the leading candidates. “In that kind of environment, it was either going to be Mr. Angry or a potted plant,” said Webb after the debate.

Some might argue that Webb didn’t get as much time as Clinton and Sanders because they’re top tier and he’s not. Certainly that’s true though it begs another question—why isn’t Webb top tier? He is, after all, a one-term senator, former Harvard fellow, author, journalist, and former Secretary of the Navy. The answer, I believe, is because the party has moved so far to the left. Try as he might to fit into the new Democratic Party, he's still something of a puzzle piece borrowed from another puzzle.

Jim Webb seemed more than a little incongruous standing on the stage next to the top contenders. The frontunner is Hillary Clinton, a former friend and acolyte of the Machiavellian political theorist Saul Alinsky. Raised in Chicago, she studied at Wellesley and Yale during the turbulent sixties and seventies. She defended the Black Panthers when they murdered one of their own on a suspicion that he was an FBI informer. After serving as first lady of the United States, she carpetbagged to New York to fill a vacating US Senate seat. Her most serious challenger is New York-born Bernie Sanders, a self-described democratic socialist and senator from Vermont, the most left-wing state in the Union. He’s actually tacking to the left of the Alinsky fangirl and it seems to be working.

Clearly this isn’t your father’s Democratic Party. In 2015, the leading Democratic candidates are left and far left. This is the party that booed the Boy Scouts at their 2000 convention and God Himself at their 2012 convention. It’s really that bad.

Is it any wonder then that Webb, a gun-owning Marine Corps veteran of Scots-Irish descent hailing from a southern state, doesn’t fit in? There’s something recognizably American about Webb, and that doesn’t sit well with the Democratic base. Many of their recent candidates have had a European air about them, and a few have seemed downright extraterrestrial.

Webb is no conservative, mind you, and I wouldn’t vote for him to walk my dog, but he was the most moderate candidate on the stage that night. When Clinton and Sanders were trying to one-up each other with who could articulate the most egregious offense against the second amendment, Webb actually defended Americans’ constitutional right to keep and bear arms. When asked if “all lives matter” or “black lives matter,” Webb dissented from the group and said that “Every life in this country matters.” Whoa! No wonder he’s going nowhere in the jackass party, spewing hate speech like that. When Webb was asked which of his enemies he’s most proud of, he recounted an incident in Vietnam in which he killed an enemy soldier who tossed a grenade at him. He was engaging in a little well-deserved bragging, of course, highlighting his war hero credentials to win a few votes, though I don’t think he’ll win many with today’s Democrats. Most of them perceive that kind of talk as mere machismo.

Part of Webb’s problem is that his party is obsessed with identity politics. When seeking the Democratic nomination it helps to belong to some kind of victim class—to be a woman, a minority, or to sleep with people of your own sex. Being white and male doesn’t get you any points. Working class roots counts for something, though less and less with each passing year.

If you don’t fall into one of the recognized victims categories, the only way to create buzz among Democrats is to veer way, way left. That’s basically the Bernie Sanders approach. Sanders even quit the party and became an independent because he found the Democrats to be too cozy with big business. Which they are, of course. Though he still caucuses with the Democrats and seeks the nomination of their party, his stand against the Democratic Party earned him a lot of respect among the moonbat community.

Jim Webb has no future in this party because the wing he represents—blue collar whites—is shriveled and dying. He’s made a point to stick up for that demographic group, arguing for example that affirmative action should consider economic circumstances rather than race. He contends that Democrats aren’t attuned to poor people’s problems when those poor people are white.

When running for Senate in 2006 Webb leveraged his support among Virginia’s substantial white working class to secure victory in a very close race. Webb is himself of Scots-Irish descent, though not from Appalachian Virginia. As the son of a career Air Force man, Webb grew up all over and thus can’t call anywhere home. He is nonetheless at ease speaking to southerners and the white working class, guys who drink macrobrewed beer in a can and guys who kill their dinner with a bow. He can walk into an American Legion and swap war stories with veterans at the bar. Joe Sixpack can relate to Jim Webb in a way that he cannot relate to a guy from Vermont who wants to take his legally purchased, fully licensed firearm.

But much like the late Rodney Dangerfield, Jim Webb “don’t get no respect!” in today’s Democratic Party. It’s almost as if their famed “big tent” is a sham, as if they apply “purity tests” to their candidates.

The problem with Jim Webb is that he’s outlived his usefulness and no one has the heart to break the bad news to him. The poor schlub made his entrance in 2006 when the Democrats desperately needed real life war heroes. They had had two bad election cycles in 2002 and 2004, due in part to the fact that fresh memories of 9/11 made many Americans unwilling to trust national security to the Democrats. Luckily for them the political winds were starting to shift as Americans’ patience wore thin with the sputtering Iraq War. The Democrats knew that if they were ever to turn an unpopular war to their advantage they would have to field candidates who could never be accused of being wimps and whose admiration for the military was beyond reproach. They needed square-jawed, red-blooded American men with honorable military service and the medals to prove it. In short, they needed Jim Webb.

But that was nearly ten years ago. With the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan both kinda-sorta over, the Democrats are free to be themselves again—angry women, effete men, elitist northeasterners, and gun grabbers.

Sorry Jim Webb, but there’s no room in this party for your kind. There used to be, in an age long since passed, but not anymore. Welcome to the Democratic (Socialist) Party. Like a container of spoiled sour cream that’s been hiding in the back of the fridge since who-knows-when, you’re past your expiration date. Prepare to be discarded.


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Surprise! Ranger School Rigged for Females

Something about the story of the first two women ever to graduate from the Army’s prestigious Ranger course seemed hokey. I guess I’m always suspicious of “firsts.” Our society is so fixated on them that it creates an incentive to fudge facts and lower standards.

Liberals will of course contest my assertion, though these are the same people who don’t really object to lowering standards in academia to get more minorities in the door, lowering them again to get them to graduate, then lowering them a third time to hire them as faculty members. Liberals don’t really oppose lowering the bar in order to create “firsts.” They just don’t like to call it “lowering the bar” because that tarnishes the accomplishment. As it should.

General Martin Dempsey, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, revealed his doublethink in 2013 when announcing long-term plans to open combat positions to women. In the vey same press conference in which he stated that women would be allowed the opportunity to prove themselves under the same standards as the men, he also stated, “If we do decide that a particular standard is so high that a woman couldn’t make it, the burden is now on the service to come back and explain to the secretary, why is it that high? Does it really have to be that high?”

So the standard will remain the same…unless women can’t reach it. Then elite units will have to justify their standards to the service secretaries, who will probably not be swayed. So why even debate with the service secretaries if disagreement itself signals a career-killing reluctance to get with the program?

In any case, isn’t “we like being awesome” justification enough? Apparently not. General Dempsey’s pronouncement set the tone—we’re going full speed ahead with women in combat. There’s nothing you can do to stop it and you will only be crushed if you try.

It should come as no surprise then that some Ranger instructors now say that the first women ever awarded the Ranger tab, Kristen Griest and Shaye Haver, received plenty of assistance. The two women started their quest in January when all prospective female Rangers began a special introductory course designed for guardsmen, regardless of their actual service component. The course was intended to weed out weekend warriors who weren’t tough enough, though neither Haver nor Griest belongs to the National Guard. Unlike the male guardsmen, however, the women were allowed to repeat the course as many times as necessary. In April, nineteen women including Haver and Griest began an experimental sex-integrated Ranger class. All nineteen failed phase one. The washouts, both male and female, were given the opportunity to begin the course again at day one. A group of eight elected to give a second try and again they failed. In the end, a group of three women, including Haver and Griest, agreed to be recycled back to day one.

When it was all over, several anonymous Ranger instructors contacted Congressman Steve Russell (R-OK), a combat veteran and former Army Ranger, to tell him that they had been pressured to go easy on the women. They “got special treatment and played by different rules.” The instructors also say that the women were sent to a special females-only intensive training course after their initial washout to give them a leg up. Other examples of special treatment include women not carrying as much gear—particularly the heavy M240B machine gun—and being allowed to reattempt combat tasks that men were simply eliminated for failing. Sources say that the women were allowed to familiarize themselves with the timed land navigation course before attempting it, an opportunity not afforded to men. One source says that the women were actually eliminated from the course before Major General Scott Miller, who oversees Ranger school, used his influence to reinstate them.

The instructors said that they feared reprisal for speaking out. “We were under huge pressure to comply,” one Ranger instructor said. “It was very much politicized.” Army spokespeople have denied any special treatment.

According to the instructors, an unnamed general said earlier this year that “a woman will graduate from Ranger school” and “at least one will get through.” The general’s pronouncement had a “ripple effect” according the instructors. Obviously this “first,” like most “firsts,” was a foregone conclusion. The military was not going to allow the women to fail. Even when they did fail, they were dragged across the finish line.

This is all par for the course in Obama’s military. Everything in his administration is make-believe and everything is subordinated to the agenda, even truth. Especially truth. Just think of the Solyndra and “shovel ready jobs.”

Congressman Russell has requested to see the women’s training reports, though I doubt very much that he will find anything there. No one would be stupid enough to document the women’s failures and then graduate them. If the course was fixed, so were the records.

The inquisitive congressman is encountering resistance from Sue Fulton, a lesbian feminist and chairwoman of the West Point Board of Visitors. Fulton has filed a FOIA request to see Russell’s Ranger school records. “A lot of us were upset that he did this,” said Fulton. “We said, ‘Let’s get his records.'” No one, not even Fulton, is alleging that Russell didn’t earn his tab. She just wants Russell to know how it feels to have someone doubt his accomplishment. Of course, Russell was afforded no special favors and no general ever decreed that he would pass the course before he even attempted it, so where’s the comparison?

“He like too many older men have biases about what women are capable of,” said Fulton. Oh, I see—Russell can’t accept the results because of ingrained sexism. It can’t be because multiple sources have told him the same thing.

“Ranger instructors and their leaders are known for their integrity but somehow when women pass the standard that integrity is no longer respected,” she continued. Yeah, that would make a lot more sense if it weren’t the instructors themselves who told Russell and People Magazine that the game was rigged.

In the grand scheme of things, an instructor at Ranger school is a nobody. There’s very little the instructors could have done when political pressure was raining down from above to push the women through. Their only recourse was to contact the media and perhaps a congressman, which is exactly what these instructors did.

Fulton’s insinuation is that anyone who charges the instructors with failing to uphold standards is impugning the instructors’ integrity. Ironically, it’s Fulton who is calling the instructors liars. If everything they told People Magazine and Congressman Russell was false, what other conclusion can be drawn?

But liars would have kept quiet about the whole thing. These Ranger instructors cared enough about the truth to speak out through the only channels available to them. The real crooks in this sordid tale are the Pentagon brass, the Secretaries of Defense and the Army, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, and the president. They’re the ones who pressured people beneath them to graduate at least one woman. Am I calling them liars? You betcha! As an Army veteran myself, I’ll tell you that general officers are very much political animals. They lie as much or more than politicians and they’re lying now.

Army Rangers are highly respected because Ranger school has always been a test of fortitude and combat skills. It shouldn’t be watered down for anybody. Unfortunately, in the mad dash to achieve another stupid “first,” some people were willing to lower the bar.

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Hollywood Propagandists Enshrine Lies in History

I just watched the trailer for Robert Redford’s latest film, “Truth,” due out October 16th. The film depicts the 2004 forged documents scandal that ended journalist Dan Rather’s career with CBS. Redford stars as the newsman.

The movie is based on the book “Truth and Duty: the President, the Press, and the Privilege of Power” by Mary Mapes, the former 60 Minutes producer who also lost her job over the fake National Guard memos.

Allow me to briefly summarize the shoddy journalistic practices employed at CBS, about which an entire book could be written, for the benefit of those too young to remember Rathergate. For starters, the scandal should really be called Mapesgate because Mapes was primarily responsible for the unethical behavior at CBS. She was absolutely obsessed with the idea that President Bush shirked his duty in the Texas Air National Guard, which she just knew to be true. How fortunate Mapes was to meet a man named Bill Burkett, who happened to provide her the proof she had always wanted.

Sadly, Burkett suffered from the world’s first confirmed case of Bush Derangement Syndrome. Besides having once had a nervous breakdown, he had also advanced other baseless accusations against Bush during the 2000 campaign as well as when he was governor of Texas. Burkett claimed to have documents revealing that young Lieutenant Bush had gone AWOL in 1972, though he kept changing his story as to where he got them. Mapes fell in love with the documents and rushed them to air, despite the fact the network’s own expert would not vouch for them.

In a clear case of coordination, Mapes then called strategist Joe Lockhart, a high-ranking consultant with the Democratic Kerry campaign, to ask him if he’d be interested in talking to Burkett. Totally unethical. She should have been fired just for that. Even Mapes’s own father said of her: “I’m really ashamed of my daughter, what she’s become. She went into journalism with an ax to grind, that is, to promote feminism—and radical feminism, I might say—and liberalism.”

Just don’t accuse Mapes of having an agenda. She hates that.

Within hours of the broadcast, sharp-eyed Americans noticed that the memos appeared to have been written using Microsoft Word. Although Mapes and Rather stubbornly refused to admit that they were forgeries, both were eventually canned.

Mapes was lucky enough to get a book deal out of it. I didn’t waste my time or money reading it, but apparently the gist of it is—stop me if you’ve heard this one—that she’s the victim, that she was just speaking truth to power, and that the story was solid even if it was based on false documents. That may sound silly, of course, but people have to understand that in those days dissent wasn’t racist, it was the highest form of patriotism. And by dissent, I mean making crap up to swing an election.

That’s the book that will soon be dramatized on the big screen. Am I the only one in America who’s tired of Hollywood enshrining lies in our collective history through the use of propagandistic movies?

Too many of us learn about history through cinema, a pitfall we should all try to avoid. We shouldn’t confuse movies for depictions of actual historical events. Besides the fact that they’re meant to entertain, most of them are also made by loony leftists.

In that regard, “Truth” reminds me of another cinematic abortion released five years ago called “Fair Game,” which supposedly told the story of Joe Wilson and his CIA officer wife Valerie Plame. Its depiction of events was so far removed from reality that it can only be called fiction.

When the Washington Post asked Joe Wilson about the film’s veracity, he said something very telling its defense—“For people who have short memories or don’t read, this is the only way they will remember the period.” How’s that for honesty? I think what he’s saying is that even though “Fair Game” may not align with the historical record, in time it will become the historical record. People who just didn’t pay much attention to the story, or were born after the fact, will conjure up images of “Fair Game” when they think of Plamegate.

And they will think that they saw events as they really happened. What a terrible disservice.

 In real life, Joe Wilson was sent by his wife Valerie Plame to Niger to investigate reports that the Iraqi government was purchasing or attempting to purchase uranium. In July 2003, he wrote an op-ed for the New York Times saying that he hadn’t found any evidence to support that conclusion. Shortly thereafter, columnist Robert Novak mentioned Wilson’s wife’s name in an editorial, thus blowing her CIA cover. Wilson and others jumped to the conclusion that the White House was punishing him for his stand against the Iraq War. Special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald was appointed to investigate the leak. He actually already knew at the beginning of the investigation that the perp was Richard Armitage, second in command at the State Department and a critic of the Iraq War. Fitzgerald launched an investigation into a question to which he already knew the answer, and eventually tripped up White House aide Scooter Libby, who lied under oath about the matter. Libby went to prison while Armitage was never even charged.

Who plays Armitage in the film? No one. He never appears on screen and his name appears only in a textual epilogue. Also, Libby is the leaker and he did it to put Plame’s life in jeopardy. In other words, the real story of the Plame leak was scrapped in favor of a fantasy. In time, few will remember that it isn’t true.

No film has used subterfuge to influence public opinion about an historical event quite like Oliver Stone’s 1991 blockbuster “JFK.” It supposedly tells the true story of District Attorney Jim Garrison of New Orleans, the only man ever to charge anyone for President Kennedy’s murder. As it turns out, the man he put on trial, businessman Clay Shaw, also happened to be innocent. The case Garrison’s office assembled against him was a textbook example of reckless prosecution. After a lengthy trial, the jury deliberated for just 54 minutes before returning a verdict of not guilty.

But that’s not how Stone tells the story. In Stone’s film, Garrison is the hero. His investigation meets stiff resistance from the federal government, presumably because Kennedy’s killers are still very much in power. The assassination is a conspiracy of epic proportions, involving top military brass, defense contractors, the CIA, FBI, Dallas Police, Vice President LBJ, anti-Castro Cubans, the Office of Naval Intelligence, and even the President’s own Secret Service. Lee Oswald not only didn’t act alone, he didn’t act at all. Just a patsy. Oswald was conveniently “sheep-dipped” to look like an unstable Marxist then placed in proximity to the murder so the real killers could make a clean get-away.

The Chicago Tribune editorialized, “The danger is that Stone’s film and the pseudo-history it so effectively portrays will become the popularly accepted version.” Very true, and there’s no doubt that Stone intended to make his film an historical reference that would guide public memory of the assassination. Released with the film was a companion book sent to thirteen thousand teachers across the country. To think that any teacher would present the film to her class as truth! But I’m sure some did and do.

Stone offered an insight into his thinking in an introduction he wrote for a book by Fletcher Prouty, the archetypal crackpot and basis for the mysterious Mr. X character portrayed in “JFK.” Wrote Stone: “Who owns reality? Who owns our history? He who makes it up so that most everyone believes it. That person wins.”

Clearly, the truth isn’t nearly as important to Stone as being the master of the narrative, a task made all the more easy when you happen to be a big Hollywood director with a movie studio at your fingertips. The rest of us aren’t so lucky.

History matters. It matters enough that Hollywood should make an effort to tell the story the way it really happened, or at least to label fiction as such. In the meantime, it’s up to the rest of us to watch historical films with a discerning eye.

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Please allow me to backtrack a little on my latest column. In “Ahmed Mohamed: Just 14 and Already a Professional Islamo-Victim” I stated that I was not entirely convinced that the Texas teenager planned to bring a suspicious device to school as part of a deliberate self-victimization hoax. After reading more about the incident, I’m nearly certain that this kid knew exactly what he was doing.

I would not be surprised if he did this in coordination with CAIR, the infamous Muslim “civil rights” group linked to several self-victimization hoaxes. We already know that CAIR is representing him; it’s only a question whether they coordinated this beforehand.

What this kid was doing, very likely with the help of CAIR, is called desensitization. It’s the processes of conditioning people to ignore what they know to be dangerous. Most people, when they encounter a briefcase with protruding wires will trust their instincts and report it to authorities. As the old saying goes, “If you see something, say something.” But if ordinary people can be made to keep mum out of fear that they will be called names—racist, Islamophobe, etc.—then terrorists can operate without nosy people flubbing up the operation.

Frontpage Magazine aptly coined a new adage for this era of tolerance and diversity: “If you see something, say something—unless the suspicious person is Muslim.” Yeah. Then shut up or you’re racist.

The classic desensitization operation is the “flying imams” incident of November 2006, in which a group of six Muslim clerics (imams) seemed to go out of their way to alarm passengers on a flight to Phoenix. Three of the imams also triggered “red flags” by buying only one-way tickets and not checking baggage. Several passengers quietly complained to flight attendants that they found the imams’ behavior suspicious.

The righteously indignant imams struck back with lawsuits against the airport, the airline and an anonymous passenger who passed a note to a flight attendant. The imams were represented by CAIR, of course. Eventually the suit against the passenger was dropped but the one against airline went to court. The case was eventually settled for an undisclosed amount through court-supervised mediation, which CAIR touted as a civil rights victory. The judge wrote that the imams had done nothing illegal and discarded as irrelevant the fact that reasonable people, lacking the benefit of hindsight, did what they thought prudent to keep people safe. Airlines were put on notice—if you see Muslims doing something that looks suspicious, you’d better be right.

Many observers, myself included, believed that the whole incident was a pre-meditated attempt to provoke exactly the reaction that they got—just like Ahmed Mohamed’s stunt. If you think that sounds crazy, consider for a moment that one of the imams worked for a Hamas front group before it was shuttered by the Treasury Department.

What CAIR will never admit is that people in western societies are socialized to treat Muslims with kiddy gloves. In their world, Muslims are given extra scrutiny. In reality, they are given less. In their world, the innocent actions of Muslims are interpreted as threatening by demented, Islamophobic minds. In reality, people pretend not to find their actions threatening even when they clearly are.

Can anyone dispute that the 2009 Fort Hood shooting could have been prevented if anyone had had the cajones to report Major Nidal Hassan before he started killing people? It didn’t take Sherlock Holmes to deduce that the Palestinian-American psychiatrist was hot for jihad. Major Hasan went off topic at a military psychiatry conference to deliver a lecture that many in the audience perceived as pro-radical Islam and anti-American, in which he approvingly quoted radical clerics and even Osama bin Laden. A classmate of his says that Hasan later mentioned his support for suicide bombers.

As someone who has served in the Army, I can tell you that career officers are some of the most risk-averse people you will ever meet because the worst fate they can imagine is having an Equal Opportunity (EO) complaint filed against them. There’s nothing worse than being accused of an “-ism” or a “-phobia.”

The 9/11 attacks might have been just a little less horrific if an airline employee in Portland, Maine had listened to his inner Islamophobe. Michael Tuohey, an employee of US Airways—the same airline that was later sued by the flying imams—was creeped out by two passengers at the check-in counter on that fine September morning. Their names were Mohamed Atta and Abdul Aziz al Omari. “Something in my stomach churned,” said Tuohey. “And subconsciously, I said to myself, ‘if they don’t look like Arab terrorists, nothing does’.” Then he gave himself a “mental slap.” “I said to myself, ‘that’s not nice to think. They are just two Arab businessmen’.”

Those “two Arab businessmen” later crashed a jumbo jet into the World Trade Center.

Our reluctance to identify Muslim malfeasance goes beyond terrorism. Try to imagine a society so paralyzed by fear of being labeled Islamophobic that people will look the other way while school-aged girls are raped. That nation really exists. It’s called England.

Between 1997 and 2013, a group of mostly Pakistani men in and around Rotherham, England were luring white English girls as young as eleven into what can only be called sex slavery. A conservative estimate of the victims is 1,400. The pervs managed to keep their little operation secret until 2001 when a Home Office worker named Jayne Senior began interviewing victims and compiling a report which she eventually turned over to authorities…who did nothing for fear of being perceived as racist. Ms. Senior was pressured to remain silent and even ordered to attend an “ethnicity and diversity course.” Since the Rotherham bust, other Muslim-operated sex slavery rings and other coverups have been discovered across England. They were smaller of course, but not small.

To make matters worse, one man was even arrested for talking openly about Muslim-operated sex slavery rings. His name is Nick Griffin and he’s probably one of the most hated men in the UK. Such is the fate of truth-tellers everywhere. Nick Griffin is the head of the British Nationalist Party (BNP), which is often described as crypto-fascist. According to the journalist Sean Thomas of the UK Telegraph: “As long ago as 2001, Nick Griffin…was making claims about Asian grooming gangs. In 2004 he repeated these allegations in a speech clandestinely recorded by the BBC for a TV documentary, Secret Agent. He was arrested and charged with inciting racial hatred.”

Imagine the chilling effect that can have. If you don’t want to get arrested, you’ll keep your mouth shut. Only stupid old racists like Nick Griffin talk about Muslim-operated sex slavery rings.

Nick Griffin was telling the truth and we’d be well advised to follow his lead. This insane fear we have of offending Muslims is getting people killed—and raped. I don’t care for a moment if some kid in Texas feels bad because a teacher mistook his bomb-like object for a bomb. He was likely baiting the teacher, and even if he wasn’t, the teacher did nothing wrong. The madness has to stop.

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Fourteen year-old Ahmed Mohamed has learned well how to play the victim. The MacArthur High School student caused a ruckus last week in Irving, Texas, when he brought a briefcase to school containing clock parts. He claimed it was a “clock” that he “invented” over the weekend—though it now appears evident that he didn’t really invent anything. According to Ahmed, he brought it to school to impress his engineering teacher. When the briefcase began beeping during English class, the teacher mistook it for a bomb and called the principal. The principal appeared minutes later, accompanied by policemen. Ahmed was arrested and charged with creating a hoax bomb, a crime under Texas law, though the charge was later dropped.It sure is hard being a Muslim, isn’t it? You can’t even bring a briefcase with protruding wires to school without everybody thinking you’re a terrorist. Sheesh.Ahmed has since been invited to bring his briefcase to the White House to meet President Obama. Oddly enough, the Secret Service would never in a million years allow a similar device anywhere near the President of the United States if it weren’t pre-cleared; and for good reason.Ahmed also launched his own crowdfunding campaign to help pay for his education and the education of other talented young inventors. His goal is to raise $100,000. As of this writing, he’s already raised $13,237. Pleeeeease give me money! A second crowdsourcing campaign, presumably organized by a sympathetic soul, sprung up on another website. As of this writing, it’s raised $7,720. All proceeds go to Ahmed.Ahmed Mohamed later appeared on MSNBC’s “All In with Chris Hayes,” seated next to his Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) lawyer, and wearing a NASA t-shirt (nice touch, kid) and his best pouty face. When Hayes asked Ahmed how it felt to go through this whole ordeal Ahmed replied, “I feel really well after, cause before I didn’t think I was going to get any support because I’m a Muslim boy.” I’m sounding the BS alarm. He captured the world’s sympathy because he’s a Muslim boy. I don’t believe for a moment that he could not have foreseen this outpouring of support (and money).He continued: “So I thought I was just going to be another victim of injustice. But thanks to all my supporters on social media I got this far, thanks to you guys…I see it as a way of people sending a message to the rest of the world that just because something happens to you because of who you are, no matter what you do, people have your back.”See how he’s framed the issue? This is something that “happened” to him because of “who [he is.]” The implication is clear: this whole situation would have played out differently if he had been a fair-skinned Christian lad. Baloney. Any kid of any race or religion who brought the same item to school would have caused the same stir. The only difference I can see is that a white Christian would not have had the Islamophobia card to play. Consequently, he would not have had the support of a dedicated “civil rights” organization, would not have been invited to the White House, would not have been financially rewarded with multiple crowdsourcing campaigns, and would not have appeared on MSNBC.Ahmed was arrested not because of his race or religion but because his “clock” looked like a bomb. It’s a briefcase with a bunch of wires and a circuit board. Nor are clocks and bombs mutually exclusive. Time bombs contain clocks. After showing his “clock” to two teachers, both of them told him that it looked a lot like a bomb. His engineering teacher, the one he was supposedly trying to impress, even advised him not to take it to other classes.There are some clues that Ahmed baited school officials by knowingly bringing a suspicious device to school. It might have been another self-victimization hoax, an attempt to “prove” other people’s prejudices. Self-victimization hoaxes are all too common because society never fails to reward them. I won’t say for certain that that’s what happened. It’s possible that he really did build a clock to impress his engineering teacher, stumbled into this mess quite by accident, then decided to capitalize on his victimhood. In any case, he is trying to capitalize on his victimhood—and not just financially, though he’s doing that too.What are those clues? Let’s start with the fact that his “invention” appears not to be an invention at all. He merely disassembled an old Radio Shack digital clock and mounted the parts in a briefcase. How is that an “invention?” It’s not. It sounds very much like he was trying to build a hoax bomb…which is exactly what he was charged with!Moreover, he continued to carry the “clock” to every class that day, even after his engineering teacher had given him kudos. Ahmed also wrapped wires around the handle “so it wouldn’t look suspicious,” an indication that even Ahmed believed that it resembled a bomb. Of course, having wires visible from the outside made it more suspicious because, unless one has x-ray vision, a hoax bomb inside of a briefcase just looks like a briefcase. Better to make the electronic parts partially visible from the outside.I will say this: the teachers, the principal, and the police did nothing wrong except failing to call his parents immediately. They should have done that. The crybabies at CAIR can go stick it. This is not an Islamophobic conspiracy.Some commentators, including Reason Magazine’s Nick Gillespie and Frontpage Magazine’s Robert Spencer have argued that Ahmed Mohamed was the victim of hysterical overreaction, though they place the blame primarily on “zero tolerance” policies spawned by school shootings.Writes Spencer: “All over the country, school officials are on constant high alert for weapons — a high alert that has more than once spilled over into outright hysteria, with students being suspended for [sketching] guns, pointing fingers at people and saying ‘Bang,’ etc.” Spencer cites another example: Josh Welch, a Maryland seven year-old who was suspended for chewing a Pop-tart into the shape of a gun and pointing it at other kids.I disagree. There are myriad examples of schools overreacting to innocuous behavior but this isn’t one of them. No one in his right mind believes that a seven year-old, armed with a toaster pastry, is going to perpetrate the next Columbine massacre. School officials at MacArthur High School, however, were warranted in reacting the way they did to a fourteen year old carrying a briefcase with protruding wires. Spencer and Gillespie are wrong to suggest any equivalence.I don’t know if Ahmed Mohamed planned this whole thing out though I won’t place it outside the realm of possibility. The situation smells as fishy as last week’s sushi. But I can say with certainty that young Mr. Mohamed, the “inventor” whose “invention” was actually mass-produced by Radio Shack decades before he was born, is milking this for all it’s worth. What he wants is not equal treatment but for Muslims to be handled with kiddy gloves. His goal, and that of CAIR, is to perpetuate the Muslim-as-victim myth so that reasonable people will second-guess their own motives when they see Muslims acting suspiciously. Don’t be fooled by this professional victim.Read more at
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MSNBC host Chris Matthews and a panel of guests sneered at Appalachian whites last week on Matthews’s Hardball show. Speaking to Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post, Matthews said, “You had a piece in your paper the other day, about the Scots-Irish down in Southwestern Virginia. They’re white. Weren’t they kind of the people that went to the mountains? When they immigrated to the United States they went right to the rural areas. And they got an attitude!” No one on Matthew’s panel betrayed the slightest self-consciousness when speaking in condescending tones about the white working class. It’s hard to imagine any of them speaking the same way about blacks with “attitude” living in urban areas.

“There is part of that white community that—they missed—they didn’t get to go to good colleges or college,” Matthews continued. “They feel like the Democrats have been focused on the elites and the minorities and they’ve been missed somehow.”

That’s because they have. Those working class whites Matthews speaks of, commonly known as “bitter clingers,” are making a slow but justifiable exit from the Democratic Party. When Democrats take a stand against coal, when they bring in boatloads of legal and illegal immigrants, when they make it difficult to exercise second amendment rights, when they support racial discrimination against whites (“affirmative action”), the message that the white working class hears is “not welcome.” And for good reason.

Liberals, who dominate the party and the media—two institutions that are often difficult to distinguish—have employed an effective pincer maneuver against the American majority. They launch their attack from above and below, appealing to the rich, but also to perpetual wards of the state, or what I call “the non-working class.” Liberals will never admit that such a class exists. Perpetual wards of the state are, in their estimation, still part of the working class…even though they don’t work.

It should be noted here that the white working class is not exclusively rural, Appalachian, or even southern. There are white working class people in all fifty states as well as in urban areas. The dwindling Irish Catholic population of South Boston is a good example of working class whites who are neither rural nor southern, though they have traditionally voted Democratic just the same.

This tight-knight, church-going community, whose sons went off to Vietnam in proportions far exceeding their numbers, were shocked to learn, in 1974, that their community would be torn apart by federally-mandated busing. This intra-Democratic fight pitted working class whites against wealthy liberals. The architects of the plan, if they had any kids at all, sent them to private or suburban schools, thus shielding them from busing. Many of those Southie-born Irish have since fled the city and changed party affiliation. South Boston has never been the same.

The relationship between the Democrats and the white working class is nuanced, to say the least. The Democratic Party is their traditional home and some working class whites continue to vote the ticket, if only because they’re descended from a long line of Democrats. Many liberals, particularly white male liberals, like to brag of their working class background, even if they jettisoned it long ago or it never really existed in the first place. See Bruce Springsteen and Michael Moore.

Even Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk who refused to grant marriage licenses after the Supreme Court invented a right to same-sex marriage, was elected as a Democrat. Davis was falsely tagged as a Republican in a recent New York Times story. The reporters in this instance assumed that she was a Republican because New Yorkers can’t imagine a person like Davis voting Democrat. It’s weird, I know. In Kim Davis’s neck of the woods, “Democrat” is not synonymous with moonbat leftist.

The party apparatus still wants the white working class’s support because a vote’s a vote and a win’s a win. Unfortunately, these working class whites tend to be more moderate which poses a problem for the urban elite who dominate the modern liberal establishment. They don’t want to tolerate a contingent within the party that might temper its platform. The Democratic Party is consequently roiled by a quiet civil war that no one wants to acknowledge. Don’t be fooled for a moment, however, into thinking that the war is fought between the liberal elite and the white working class. The white working class doesn’t have enough clout in the party to stand as a belligerent in this conflict. It’s a war between those who still want to make a bid for the white working class vote and those who find them so embarrassing that they’d prefer to send them packing.

Hillary Clinton made a bid for the white working class vote in 2008 and she’s been paying for it ever since. The media are actually quite critical of Mrs. Clinton, treating her almost like a Republican. The Clinton email server saga has not been dismissed as a “phony scandal” as most Democratic scandals are. Why might that be? My theory is that Hillary made the fourth estate very angry in 2008 when she campaigned against their preferred candidate, Barack Obama, and she has not yet earned her way back into their good graces.

The Clinton campaign made an effort to appeal to more traditional Democrats—a category which includes, but is not limited to, the white working class—while the Obama campaign courted the youth vote, minorities, and unabashed progressives. It was a big gamble on Hillary’s part and she lost. There just weren’t enough traditional Democrats in the party in 2008 and there are even fewer today. The party of the Kennedy brothers and Daniel Patrick Moynihan is now the party of Valerie Jarrett and Terrence Bean.

Perhaps Hillary thought she could replicate her husband’s successful campaigns of ’92 and ’96. Now there was a man who could speak to white working class audiences, probably because that’s where his roots lay. Hillary, however, is a Chicago girl from an upper middle class background. In 2008, Hillary found out that she couldn’t ride to victory with Clintonian overtures to the white working class, either because they weren’t that enthused about her, or because the demographics of the party had shifted. Both factors were probably in play.

Hillary lost more than just the nomination. She lost the adoration of the liberal elite which she still hasn’t won back. They won’t forgive her for pandering to what they perceive to be the worst elements of the party—the Kim Davis wing, the Southie Irish wing, the bitter clingers.

The Democratic Party is suffering from something of an identity crisis. A vestigial constituency group truly embarrasses them to the point that they often can’t hide their disdain when speaking of them, yet they still need their vote. The party is sharply divided as to whether this demographic group, which is already halfway out the door, is worth keeping.


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Dr. Susan K. Smith is offended by comparisons between Martin Luther King, Jr. and Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk who has refused to sign any marriage licenses since the Supreme Court imposed same-sex marriage on her state.

Smith, a pastor and “social justice advocate” (whatever that is) protested the invocation of St. Martin of Atlanta’s name to justify the deeds of a bigot like Kim Davis. “But I am angered by the claim that Ms. Dixon (sic) is acting as did Dr. King when he was thrown into jail for working to end racial injustice,” wrote Smith in a recent column at the Huffington Post. Dr. Smith is apparently so sloppy that she didn’t even get the clerk’s name right. Her name is Davis, not Dixon. “Ms. Dixon (sic) has been jailed because her God-sense tells her it is right and fitting to discriminate against people; Dr. King was in jail because his God-sense told him it was wrong to mete out injustice against anyone – especially blacks.”

My own feelings about Kim Davis would probably require a separate column to spell out in detail. I understand why she has to make her stand and it pains me that she was forced into that situation. I don’t like the Obergefell decision—in fact, I loathe it. But her case is weak because she is a government official.

Furthermore, I don’t generally like lawlessness. Liberals, on the other hand, celebrate lawlessness, which explains why they gave the lawless Martin Luther King a holiday and generally revere him as something of a demigod. I don’t believe he deserves a tenth of the deference we afford him which is why I must stress that Kim Davis’s obvious similarity to King is not necessarily flattering.

It is, however, accurate. Dr. Smith would know this if she’d ever read anything that King wrote. Has she? I don’t see how she could have read, for example, King’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” or his “Paul’s Letter to the American Christians” and concluded that King would oppose Kim Davis.

I think Dr. Smith falls into a common trap when evaluating King; that is, she creates in her own mind an image of the man as she wished him to be—a fighter for “justice,” as defined by Smith herself. It probably never occurs to her that King’s idea of justice might diverge from her own. In Smith’s mind it’s axiomatic that the mainstreaming of homosexuality and the crushing of dissenting voices are civil rights issues. As a champion for civil rights, MLK would certainly be on her side. Any attempt to counter her vision of King with the actual historical MLK is enough to raise her blood pressure.

Martin Luther King did not support same-sex marriage. Period. No one in pre-1968 America did, not even “gay” “rights” activists. (Their aim was to destroy the institution, not join it.) Nor did King find homosexuality morally acceptable. He was a mid-20th century Baptist minister with the accompanying moral code regarding sex. He claimed the Bible as his authority and the Bible is absolutely unequivocal on the subject of homosexuality. The fact that King had a plethora of mistresses and enjoyed an orgy every once in a while proves only that he was a hypocrite, not a “gay” “rights” activist.

King’s clearest public proclamations on homosexuality are found in an advice column he wrote for Ebony Magazine in 1958. When a boy asked his advice on how to handle feelings of attraction toward other males, King actually advised psychiatric treatment! He also referred to the feelings as a “problem.” Most importantly, King said that the boy’s attractions were “probably not an innate tendency.” In other words, he did not subscribe to the shoddy, unfalsifiable “born that way” theory. It doesn’t take much of a leap to infer that King would have rejected any comparison between race and homosexual conduct and would probably have been offended by it, as many blacks are even today. As they should be.

King did not march for homosexuals’ supposed “rights” because he did not see them as equivalent to his struggle against Jim Crow. He understood homosexuality as a behavior—and a deviant one at that. So if Kim Davis is a “bigot,” then Martin Luther King is a “bigot” too. What then is so outrageous about comparing the two?

Smith continues with her misguided rant: “There is a stark difference between the two ‘reasons’ for incarceration…” I see what’s she’s getting at. She believes that MLK went to jail for doing something good, while Davis went to jail for doing something bad. She is therefore endorsing the cafeteria approach to civil law. The King who lives in her imagination would oppose Davis, so comparing the two lawbreakers is, in her estimation, not fair. Never mind that the real King—as evidenced by his words—was on Davis’s side when it came to homosexuality.

But even that’s beside the point. Kim Davis and Martin Luther King both defied the law for the exact same reason—because they considered themselves responsible to a higher power. (I’m not sure King really meant it, of course, on account of his incredible hypocrisy.) They both claimed that God’s law was superior to man’s law.

From King’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail”:

“The answer lies in the fact that there are two types of laws: just and unjust. I would be the first to advocate obeying just laws. One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws… Now, what is the difference between the two? How does one determine whether a law is just or unjust? A just law is a man-made code that squares with the moral law or the law of God. An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law.”

Now some might argue that Kim Davis’s religion should have no bearing whatsoever on a civil marriage. That’s one argument, though certainly not one that MLK would make. He would agree with Davis that our civil law should always align with scripture and when it doesn’t Christians are called to defiance.

Consider “Paul’s Letter to American Christians,” an epistle that King imagined St. Paul would have written to his church in 20th century America. After reading it, one can only conclude that Kim Davis is innocent of most of the failings that King found among Christians of his time.

“I am impelled to write you concerning the responsibilities laid upon you to live as Christians in the midst of an un-Christian world,” wrote King as Paul. “That is what I had to do. That is what every Christian has to do.” Yes, and that’s all Kim Davis is trying to do.

“But I understand that there are many Christians in America who give their ultimate allegiance to man-made systems and customs. They are afraid to be different. Their great concern is to be accepted socially.” Kim Davis doesn’t have that problem. She won’t compromise her faith for civil authority, or to be liked, just as “Paul” (King) advised.

King continued: “For so many of you Morality is merely group consensus…You have unconsciously come to believe that right is discovered by taking a sort of Gallup poll of the majority opinion.” Yes indeed, that is a very accurate diagnosis of what ails our society. But Kim Davis is not that kind of Christian. She believes that right is right and wrong is wrong. Neither public opinion nor a court can change that.

“Therefore, your ultimate allegiance is not to the government, not to the state, not to nation, not to any man-made institution,” wrote King. “The Christian owes his ultimate allegiance to God, and if any earthly institution conflicts with God’s will it is your Christian duty to take a stand against it. You must never allow the transitory evanescent demands of man-made institutions to take precedence over the eternal demands of the Almighty God.” King and Davis are in agreement on this point as well.

On all of the key issues, King and Davis are of the same mind. Both oppose segregation. Both oppose homosexuality, same-sex marriage, and its accompanying imposition on people of faith. Both agree that they have an obligation to disobey any law that is unjust. Both measure the justice of a particular law by the standards of God.

Susan Smith really wants to believe that Kim Davis’s rogue actions were the polar opposite of her idol Martin Luther King’s actions. Unfortunately, her arguments reveal her stunning ignorance. Her fantasies of what King would have become if he had lived long enough to “evolve” to precisely her own policy positions have clouded her judgement. She really ought to curl up with the collected writings of the man she claims to admire and read what he actually wrote.

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I can’t find Lila Perry’s real name anywhere. The seventeen-year old gender-dysphoric male student from Missouri has become a news item in the past week because he wants to use the girls’ changing room for gym class and, oddly enough, the girls aren’t thrilled about it. A walk-out protest was held during the first week of the semester at Hillsboro High School to support “girls’ rights,” while another, smaller protest was held to support the gender-disoriented student and his quest to use the wrong locker room.

After first coming out as a “gay” male, Lila announced in February 2015 that he would henceforth identify as female, which I guess makes him a heterosexual girl…who happens to be a boy? This stuff gets really confusing. Hillsboro High School accommodated his mental illness—and that’s what it is—by allowing him to use a gender-neutral faculty changing room. As the new school year began, however, Perry decided that even this accommodation wasn’t good enough. “I am a girl,” said Perry. “I am not going to be pushed away to another bathroom…”

I understand his point. If he accepts the gender neutral changing facility he’s necessarily conceding that he is somehow less of a girl than the others—which he is, of course. But because the entire point of this asinine exercise is to force other people to validate an enormous lie, no compromise is acceptable.

Nowhere in the whole mess can I find the student’s actual name. I doubt his parents named him “Lila” because he wasn’t born a girl. I suspect that “Lila” selected a more feminine name when he grew sick of being a boy. That doesn’t make it any less a pseudonym.

Every media outlet I know of has chosen to share Lila’s delusion that he’s a girl, which explains why I can’t find the student’s real name anywhere—not in the Washington Post, the New York Times or even on Fox News’s website. They all refer to this gender-confused boy with feminine pronouns or as “Ms. Perry.” To mention that “Lila” is actually Bill or Norm or Hank would send the message that “Lila” is an adopted persona. Which it is.

Some people will wonder what the big deal is. If people feel more comfortable in their skin when they “identify” as something other than what their chromosomes or sexual hardware define them to be, what’s the big deal? And that’s nearly always how this issue is framed—as people having the autonomy to define themselves, which is the first step to being themselves. The rest of us are just big, mean bullies who want to force them to live as someone they’re not.

But Lila Perry is a boy. That’s a fact. He was, in the parlance of the homosexual movement, “born that way.” So if we’re “forcing” him to do anything, we’re forcing him to be who he is. I think he’d be a lot better off if he’d knock off the charade and seek therapy before the homofascists make it illegal.

Speaking for myself, however, I must say that I don’t want to force Lila to do anything. If he wants to revel in his mental illness that’s his business—but he shouldn’t make the rest of us join in. Unfortunately, there may be times when his right to believe a delusion will collide with everyone else’s right not to believe it. Gym class happens to be one of those times.

Such is his dilemma—if he settles for the gender neutral changing room or, heaven forbid, the boys’ locker room, he is in fact conceding that his feminine identity is a sham. But if he plows ahead with his false identity, he is essentially asking every member of his high school to assent to a lie. These are two mutually exclusive positions—either he will use the girls’ room or he will not, either he will receive the validation he so desperately craves or he won’t. There’s no middle ground.

Lila’s story reminds me of “Lars and the Real Girl,” a 2007 film starring Ryan Gosling as the awkward and reclusive Lars Lindstrom. Lars has never had a girlfriend and most people in his small Wisconsin community suspect that he never will. The townspeople are surprised when Lars announces that he met a Brazilian woman named Bianca on the internet. Everyone thinks it’s great that Lars finally found someone special.

As it turns out, “Bianca” is a life-sized sex doll that Lars purchased from an adult website. So yes, he did meet her on the internet…in a manner of speaking. Lars nonetheless introduces her to everyone in town as if she’s a real woman. Out of a sincere desire to make Lars happy, the townspeople decide to humor him. How it would crush Lars if anyone were to point out that his girlfriend is in fact made of plastic. In time, the townspeople forget that they’re playing along with a big goof and actually start to speak and act as if Bianca is real.

That’s essentially what transgenders are asking us to do—to pretend that we believe something we know to be a fiction. Bianca is not a real woman, and neither is Lila Perry, but for the sake of people’s feelings, we’re asked to play along.

Be nice. Be polite. Pretend you believe the lie until you do believe the lie.

It might be overly generous, however, to say that transgenders are “asking” us to believe a lie. The increasingly militant transgender movement is doing a lot more demanding than asking these days, a fact that conservative author and attorney Ben Shapiro can attest to. When Shapiro appeared on HLN’s “Dr. Drew” to discuss Bruce Jenner’s ESPY award for courage, he showed some real courage by dissenting from the host and five other guests, including Robert “Zoey” Tur, a male reporter who thinks he’s a chick. Shapiro insisted that feelings play no role at all in determining a person’s biological sex. After referring to “Zoey” Tur as “sir,” “Zoey” put his hand on Shapiro’s neck and proclaimed “You cut that out now or you’ll go home in an ambulance.”

More examples abound—a woman at a Planet Fitness gym in Michigan lost her membership when she complained to staff that there was a man in the women’s locker room. They explained to her that she was violating their “judgement-free zone” policy. A professor at Washington State University threatened to lower students’ grades, or even to fail them, if they used any number of forbidden words, including “male” and “female.” It’s all getting very weird very fast.

The transgender community, like the homosexuals before them, are not happy to live their lives as they see fit. They crave acceptance, validation, even celebration. It isn’t even primarily about them—it’s about you, your attitudes, and your conception of their bodies. There are reliable indicators that they will not use gentle persuasion as a means of changing minds.

If you think you can hide out from this movement, you’re wrong. Another Lila Perry is coming to a high school—or office, or gym, or church—near you.

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Are the French stingier with welfare benefits than Americans? A new study  from the Cato institute says yes.

According to the study, a single parent raising two children in the United  States can expect to receive slightly more in public assistance per year than in  France and slightly less than in Sweden. The authors of the study are quick to  point out, however, that Medicaid payments were not included in their  calculations for the purpose of making a meaningful and roughly equivalent  comparison. All of the European nations to which the United States was compared  offer health care on a universal basis, whereas our Medicaid program is offered  only to people whose annual income falls beneath a certain threshold. If  Medicaid payments were counted as public assistance, the United States would  place third in the rankings behind only Denmark and the UK.

Whether our massive welfare spending is a good thing or a bad thing is a very  debatable point. I know some people would say that money spent on “human  needs”—as if that’s all it ever goes to—is money well spent. I would counter  that “human needs” aren’t nearly as important to the average liberal Democrat as  sustaining a poverty-stricken political fiefdom. They buy power with other  people’s money and expect the rest of us to stand in awe of their supposed  generosity.

But before we have that debate it would be nice if welfare advocates would at  least acknowledge that they’ve gotten their way most of the time and that the  United States is, for better or worse, a European-style welfare state that just  happens to be located across the ocean. That’s the reality of the situation and  reality is always a good starting point for further discussion.

Welfare benefits vary from state to state, of course. In my travels I’ve seen  that poor people in Texas, for example, really seem poor; or at least they don’t  have much money for luxuries. The poor in my state of Massachusetts, however,  live pretty well on the dole. I was not at all surprised to discover that only  Hawaii and the District of Columbia offer more robust benefits packages than the  Bay State.

Come to Massachusetts’ post-industrial inner cities and you’ll see satellite  dishes sprouting like mushrooms from the government-subsidized housing. No one  would be caught dead without their iPhone. They spend almost three hundred  dollars a month on their pack-a-day cigarette habit and they prefer top shelf  liquor. That’s how “poor” people live in Massachusetts. It’s not exactly a “Feed  the Children” commercial.

But Massachusetts is not representative of the nation as whole. Fair enough.  Although welfare spending is uneven across the nation, thirty-five US states  have combined benefit packages greater than the European Union mean. In eleven  states, welfare benefits exceed the pre-tax income of a first year teacher, and  in a majority of states welfare pays more than a minimum wage job.

Yet liberals blame a lack of social spending for nearly everything from crime  to disparate educational outcomes.

When a black criminal in Ferguson, Missouri was killed after robbing a store  and attempting to murder a policeman, the culprit was lack of social spending.  If only the black neighborhoods weren’t so shamefully neglected, they argued,  this wouldn’t have happened.

This explanation might make more sense if it weren’t for the fact that we’ve  been dousing black ghettoes with a cash firehose for the last five decades. From  the dawn of the War on Poverty until 2014 the American taxpayer shelled out $22  trillion (in constant 2012 dollars) in anti-poverty programs. Our current  national debt is about $18.4 trillion by the way, which gives you an idea of  where all that money went.

It’s a form of national suicide, a rather peculiar phenomenon that deserves  some explanation. Ever since the Watts riots happened fifty years ago this  summer, American politicians have sought to “invest” in poor inner city  neighborhoods. As “investments” go, it’s been about as lousy as buying  confederate currency in 1864. The War on Poverty was launched the same year that  Watts went up in flames but that didn’t prevent Detroit and Newark from burning  in 1967. Nor did it prevent the nationwide urban conflagration of April 1968.  Looting and rioting returned to Los Angeles in 1992. Ferguson exploded in 2014,  followed by Baltimore in 2015, followed by more Ferguson rioting on the one year  anniversary of Michael Brown’s attempted murder of Darren Wilson.

Paying people not to riot clearly isn’t working.

How about academic performance? Can the differences between rich and poor, or  black and white, be chalked up to a lack of social spending? One of the more  common arguments is that hungry kids can’t learn. Let’s examine that.

We live in a country in which a majority of public school students qualify for free or reduced school lunches. The program was sold as a means of solving precisely this problem of underperformance among hungry children. When the solution was tried and found wanting it was of course expanded to include breakfast in many schools and even dinner in a few. Meanwhile, the kids’ parents are also afforded SNAP benefits, or any of the other fourteen federally subsidized food assistance programs. Heaven knows what the parents do with all that food while their children eat three meals a day at school. If the kids are still hungry, and some may be, it’s probably because they’re tossing Michelle Obama’s nasty lunches in the trash, a real problem in many schools.

These facts absolutely never penetrate the liberals’ bubble. They revel in  asking snappy questions that contain the implicit assumption that we as a nation  have almost no social safety net to speak of. Here are a few:

“Why is that we always have plenty of money for the military but not  for basic human needs?” Answer: the military budget, though expensive,  has been constantly decreasing, adjusting for inflation, since the end of World  War II. We call on today’s military to do more with less. Welfare on the other  hand is always growing. The inflation-adjusted $22 trillion that we’ve spent in  the War on Poverty is more than three times the combined cost of all wars since  the Revolution. The War on Poverty is undeniably the most expensive we’ve ever  waged, and the longest.

“Why can’t we be more like Europe?” Answer: We are like Europe. Our welfare state is on par with theirs and it’s killing us.

“Why do people go hungry in a country as rich as ours?” Answer: Very few actually do, but even those who don’t have enough to eat can’t  blame a lack of programs or appropriated funds. There are state, federal, and  local programs, not to mention private charities.

A rational discussion cannot begin with an irrational premise. The idea that  somehow our country adheres to a philosophy of rugged individualism is absurd.  We hand out other people’s money like it’s going out of style. Our social safety  net is deep and wide. The moment we acknowledge this stubborn fact is the moment  we can begin a useful dialogue. I’ll be waiting with bated breath.


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Would you feed your dog chopped up babies? Geraldo Rivera would.

The ’stache-sporting commentator clashed last week with Fox News’s Greg Gutfeld concerning the recent Center for Medical Progress (CFP) tapes which revealed top-level Planned Parenthood officials negotiating prices for harvested fetal organs. Geraldo didn’t find the tapes particularly shocking and quickly became indignant that anyone would.

The exchange began when Geraldo asked Gutfeld, “Are you saying that women should not have the ability to consent whether or not their aborted fetus will be used for research?” Gutfeld said they shouldn’t, to which Geraldo replied, “That’s crazy.” After much talking over each other, Geraldo asked “What if I want to make it dog food?”

Yes, dog food. He actually said that.

I think what Geraldo meant is that it’s nobody’s business what a woman wants to do with her aborted child. I don’t think that it’s a misrepresentation of Geraldo’s views to use the word “child” either, as several comments he made in the course of the debate seem to imply that he believes the thing being ripped from a woman’s womb is in fact a child. So Geraldo concedes that we’re discussing baby corpses here, he’s just not bothered by it.

Like a lot of people, I reeled in disgust at Geraldo’s callous remark but I also found myself wondering why. We’re now so far down the slippery slope that the peripheral issue of how to use the byproducts of abortion moves front and center. The rest has all been decided.

Is it any wonder that Planned Parenthood’s phalanx of defenders have argued that the CFP videos are much ado about nothing? Its organ harvesting is always conducted with the woman’s consent, they claim, and is always done on a not-for-profit basis. Leaving aside for a moment the fact that neither of these two assertions is even true, that’s still a pretty shoddy defense. The Nazis didn’t make money on their organ harvesting either but that didn’t make it right.

But alas, there is a great gulf in this country between what is right and what is legal. In America you can legally kill an unborn child and legally sell her liver, brain, and heart; but if you charge one penny more than the costs of procurement and shipping, that’s a crime! What a silly point to quibble about—Planned Parenthood says that they don’t charge more for butchered baby parts than what it costs them, and it’s on the rest of us to prove they’re lying. (Watch the videos—it’s all about the money.) Lost in the shouting and cross-talk is the fact that they kill children.

Which makes Geraldo’s indifference almost understandable. Who cares what we do with the “products of conception” once we’re done sucking them out with a shop vac? Now is not time to get squeamish. We have to do something with our truckloads of mashed baby, so why not sell it to Alpo? It’s better than keeping it in jars in Kermit Gosnell’s refrigerator.

But people tend to get themselves in a tizzy when we creatively repurpose dead baby parts. Here’s a small example that I think illustrates the public’s unease with using aborted children for the betterment of humanity—last year, it was reported that Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) was using fetuses to heat hospitals across the UK. The 15,000 incinerated fetuses were part of a “Waste-to-Energy” plan that used medical refuse and ordinary trash as a fuel. And who could be against that, except perhaps some sadist who delights in people dying of hypothermia? As it turned out, some people got their knickers all in a bunch and the NHS quickly put a stop to the practice—not the killing of babies, mind you, but the burning of their corpses for heat.

The NHS’s Chief Inspector of Hospitals, Sir Mike Richards, seemed oddly fixated on the wrong issue, namely that no one asked the mothers for permission. Said Sir Richards, “I am disappointed trusts may not be informing or consulting women and their families. This breaches our standard on respecting and involving people who use services…”

So there’s the real scandal—women didn’t consent to burning their children like firewood. But why should anyone ask them? To even pose the question implies that dead babies are somehow different from other kinds of medical waste.

Dead babies have also been used to generate electricity. The Covanta Waste-to-Energy facility in Oregon discovered in 2014 that it too was burning “products of conception” purchased from British Columbia. The hacked-up children were mixed in with ordinary trash and were thus unknown to the plant officials who bought garbage en masse from Canada.

Like the NHS, Covanta also acted swiftly to halt the burning of unborn children, though I don’t understand why. Who are they to deprive us of an abundant renewable resource? We could even construct a baby sludge pipeline from Canada directly to trash-burning reactors here in the States. Think of it like Keystone XL, only Obama wouldn’t veto it. Energy independence is national security!

What if dead babies could make those wrinkles around your eyes vanish? Surely that be a worthy use for something that’s just going to be thrown away anyway. The Swiss cosmetics manufacturer Neocutis admits that it used an aborted fourteen week fetus in the development of one of its rejuvenating skin creams. From its website: “A small biopsy of fetal skin was donated following a one-time medical termination and a dedicated cell bank was established for developing new skin treatments. Originally established for wound healing and burn treatments, today this same cell bank also provides a lasting supply of cells for producing Neocutis’ proprietary skin care ingredient Processed Skin Cell Proteins.”

Well that’s a relief. So they only used one dead baby to get the project started. No more dead babies will be necessary. I’m at a loss to explain why it’s morally acceptable to use one dead baby to look young and beautiful but not a pile of them.

Geraldo's dog food proposal isn’t that much different than what we already do with the unwanted waste of our copulations. We don’t yet feed aborted kids to Fido but we do use them to keep warm, to pamper our skin, and to keep the lights on. And why shouldn’t we? It’s pretty gross, for sure, but that argument is rather anemic. No compelling reason remains why we shouldn’t go full Swiftian and put our abortion byproducts to use as fertilizers, lubricants, soaps, and in any number of yet unfathomed applications. If we can go about our daily lives without thinking about the abortion clinic we drive past every day, we can also choose not think about the dead babies keeping us warm through the winter months.

A society that kills the unborn has already conceded the moral argument against abortion. If killing the unborn is not immoral, then who can find fault with feeding their corpses to dogs? Certainly not us.


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Watching the Left eat its own would be funny if it weren’t so scary. Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, US Senator from Vermont and a self-described socialist, was shoved aside and silenced last week while speaking at a campaign rally in Seattle. The party-crashers were members of the Black Lives Matters movement and they came to lecture the crowd on its own racism. Sanders yielded the microphone to an angry, rambling black woman before fleeing the stage entirely. 

Within twenty-four hours, his campaign released a new platform addressing “racial justice.” It was obvious that Sanders was striking a conciliatory tone for not having been sensitive enough to black issues sooner.

The Sanders platform calls for “police forces that reflect the diversity of our communities.” While that may be boilerplate Democrat-speak, it’s not an innocuous policy proposal. Besides the fact that it’s proven difficult to achieve, forcing racial proportionality on police departments comes with its own perils.

“Looking like the community” is very important to liberals, and not just on the police force. They consider it to be of the utmost importance that the fire department, the president’s cabinet, and even the military “look like” the constituencies they’re supposed to serve. Apparently firemen put out fires better when there’s a Jew, an Italian, and a Puerto Rican on every fire engine. Don’t ask me why.

Diversifying a police department is easier said than done. City officials often mistakenly assume that police forces aren’t “diverse” enough because no one has yet laid out the welcome mat for minority applicants. They soon discover that recruiting minorities, particularly blacks, is arduous. Besides the fact that many young blacks don’t want to become what they despise, they often don’t meet basic qualifications. As NYPD Commissioner William Bratton said in June, “We have a significant population gap among African American males because so many of them have spent time in jail and, as such, we can’t hire them.”

Bratton touched a nerve with his remark but he also spoke the truth. One reason there aren’t more black police officers is standards—moral, legal, and academic. Police departments across the country have chosen to lower standards just to recruit blacks. Some departments have stopped requiring applicants to know how to swim while others will hire applicants who didn’t even finish high school. Departments often accept lower civil service exam scores from minority applicants. And it’s still not enough.

Proponents of “diversity” also blithely brush aside another issue—namely that their rhetoric is strongly suggestive of a quota system. Quotas were found to be illegal in Regents of California v. Bakke (1978), a landmark affirmative action case.

The man at the center of the case was an engineer and Vietnam veteran named Allan Bakke. He’s also white. While in his mid-thirties, Bakke decided that practicing medicine was his true calling in life so he quit his job with NASA and applied to medical schools. He could not secure a spot, despite his high test scores and obvious intelligence. After discovering that he was far more qualified than many of the black and Hispanic applicants who had been accepted under the minority quota, he decided to sue the University of California.

Bakke took his case all the way to the Supreme Court and won. The judges’ decision hinged on the quota system, which they ruled unconstitutional. Unfortunately, it was a very narrow victory, benefiting mostly Bakke himself. He was admitted to medical school and achieved his dream of becoming a doctor. Today he’s an anesthesiologist in Minnesota.

On the whole, however, it was a good day for affirmative action. The court ruled that a public university may consider race as one factor among many in its admissions considerations. Quotas, on the other hand, are verboten. Ever since Bakke, affirmative action supporters have meticulously avoided the “Q” word, without ever giving up on the idea. These days, public officials usually speak of “goals.” But what is a goal except a quota by another name? If, for example, Ferguson PD sets a goal for itself that it will reflect the demographics of the community it serves, that necessarily means that 67.4% of the officers will have to be black. Hiring decisions will have to be adjusted to meet that goal.

That’s called a quota and it’s illegal. Don’t let anyone tell you differently.

There’s another problem with police departments reflecting the communities that they serve and it becomes apparent when looking at communities that have very low minority populations. Can a small town that is almost entirely white refuse to hire minority officers because they don’t “look like the community?”

I think most people would say no, and so would I. But there’s a disconnect there. Why is “looking like the community” so vitally important in some communities but not in others? It seems that police departments have to be colorblind when colorblindness benefits minorities, and color conscious when color consciousness benefits minorities. In short, they have to be color conscious when deciding whether or not to be colorblind.

A case in point can be found in Granville, Massachusetts, a picturesque New England town that looks like something from a Norman Rockwell painting. Despite being 98.69% white, Granville hired an Hispanic police chief in 2005.

And no one cared. That’s not because the people of Granville are a bunch of hippy liberals. Granville is in fact the most conservative town in the state, according to Business Insider. The people of Granville didn’t bat an eye because they don’t feel entitled to a police force that looks like them. That idea is part of the larger black entitlement complex that they, as white conservatives, neither share nor understand.

It bears mentioning that Chief Jose Rivera, while he served as Granville’s Chief of Police, was the only full time officer in the department. That’s how small Granville is, and how safe. Should a town that’s almost 99% white be served by a (full time) police force that’s 100% Hispanic? I don’t have a problem with it, but then again I’m not a liberal. I don’t concern myself with racial bean-counting.

If lily white communities like Granville are going to be prohibited from hiring officers with an eye toward the racial makeup of their community, and highly “diverse” communities like Ferguson are going to be required to do exactly that, then someone will have to delineate a threshold between the two. At what point must a community shift from an ostensibly colorblind hiring process to an obligatory color-conscious hiring process? Ten percent minority? Twenty-five percent? Fifty percent?

I think we already know the answer to that question. All of that jive about “looking like the community” is a one-way street. If it helps blacks, great. If it doesn’t, it’s dropped like a bad habit. I call that black privilege.

“Diverse” police forces are not the answer to all that ails us. Besides the fact that recruiting blacks is more difficult than might be supposed, there are legal and moral issues to consider. Standards must be lowered and qualified people must be passed over.

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The first clue that Emily Bazelon of the New York Times Magazine is afraid of religious liberty is that she writes for the New York Times Magazine. The second clue is that the headline of her column places religious liberty in sneer quotes: “What are the Limits of ‘Religious Liberty?’”

As in, so-called religious liberty. Religious liberty exercised by people she doesn’t like. Therefore, not real religious liberty.

And to think that journalists used to act as bulwark against governmental tyranny. These days we can count on the press to be several steps ahead of the government in its zeal for violating our most basic freedoms. If Emily Bazelon actually cared about our constitutional rights she would ask the opposite question—namely, what are the limits of government coercion? The fact that she doesn’t tells us a lot.

Why exactly does she believe that the right to decline a business transaction is somehow not protected by the free exercise clause of the Constitution? What makes this kind of exercise different than say, refusing to serve in the armed services during wartime, or refusing to serve ham in a kosher deli? I think the substance of her objection can be found in two sentences—“Women who have been refused abortion services report feeling judged and mortified. Gay couples turned away by wedding vendors say the same.”

And we wouldn’t want anyone to feel “judged and mortified!”

There are a number of problems with this argument. Let’s start with the fact that the moment we accept it there is absolutely no reason to believe that the government will not force doctors to perform abortions or churches to perform same-sex marriages. We can’t have a doctor who refuses to perform abortions because women might feel the sting of judgement. Furthermore, if Adam and Steve are turned away by the local pastor, they will undoubtedly experience the same feelings of judgement and mortification as if they had been turned away by the local florist. Either religious freedom includes the right to make other people feel bad or it doesn’t. If it doesn’t, then neither the florist nor the pastor is safe.

Another problem is that anyone declined service for any reason could claim to be “judged and mortified.” I’m sure Chuck Netzhammer felt “judged and mortified” when he ordered a confederate flag cake, superimposed with the words “heritage not hate,” from Walmart, and was refused. In fact, I know he was. “I am highly offended, distraught, and in tears…”said Netzhammer.

I’m sure liberals would argue that that’s different because Walmart didn’t refuse to do business with a class of people, it’s merely refused to make a certain type of cake. But very few of these cases involving discrimination on the grounds of “sexual orientation” really do involve anyone refusing to do business with an entire class of people. They involve business owners who don’t want to take part in the celebration of what they consider to be sinful.

Take, for example, Aaron and Melissa Klein of Sweet Cakes by Melissa, the recent victims of draconian punishments at the hands of the Oregon Labor Commission for their refusal to make a cake for a same-sex commitment ceremony. They did not have a no homosexuals policy. They had even done business in the past with the two homofascists who sued them and ruined their lives. They never refused to do business with people who are same-sex attracted—which is all the law requires—or even with people who act on those attractions. They refused to participate in celebrations of homosexuality.

But back to Chuck Netzhmammer. Of course his order was not declined for any demographic trait, just as the homosexuals who sued the Kleins were not. But that’s not the relevant question. What we should be asking is whether he felt “judged and mortified.” Yes indeed. He was judged as a horrible racist in need of some thought reform. Walmart nonetheless had every right not to fill his order because it’s their bakery and they are under no obligation to worry if he feels butt-hurt about the whole ordeal.

The third problem with Emily Bazelon’s argument is the most troubling. Never in a million years did I believe we would get to the point that actual adults—Americans, no less—would make a serious argument that hurt feelings trump constitutional rights.

That day is here. The ACLU announced in June that it would no longer support the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) at the federal or state levels. The new policy position was articulated by Louise Melling, the organization’s deputy legal director. Melling essentially argues that religious freedom must never include the right to engage in economic transactions on a voluntary basis because people are somehow harmed when they are turned away. Baloney, I say. All of the harm is done to the party who is forced to engage in the economic transaction under penalty of law. If Party A does not want to do business with Party B, Party B can go elsewhere. He is not harmed in any way.

But Melling argues that there is real harm done…to people’s feelings! “People turned away by an inn or bakery suffer the harm of being told that their kind isn’t welcome,” she writes.

Um…so? She’s clearly implying that we as Americans lack the right to tell someone else that their kind isn’t welcome. Her statement represents a sea change in the ACLU’s philosophy which used to take a strong stance in favor of our first amendment rights, even if it hurt people’s feelings. A telling example is the one they always trot out to prove that they aren’t a bunch of left-wing hacks. In 1977, the ACLU took the side of a Nazi group that was denied a permit to march through Skokie, Illinois, a city with a substantial population of Holocaust survivors. The ACLU maintained that supporting the Nazis’ constitutional rights in no way amounted to supporting their abhorrent ideology. I agree.

But I’m not sure that today’s ACLU would take that case and if they did they would be hypocrites. Why? Because the clear message of the march was “Your kind is not welcome.” The ACLU used to believe that conveying such a message was within our rights but they’ve recently had a change of heart and decided that we all have a right to feel welcome. That right cannot be secured without the kind of heavy governmental coercion heretofore found only in novels about the dystopian future. And Canada.

Not everyone has this right, of course. Chuck Netzhhammer can still be made to feel that his kind isn’t welcome because he’s a poor white southerner. But homosexuals’ delicate feelings are always and everywhere protected.

This trend of elevating some people’s feelings over other people’s rights is absolutely terrifying. The government can’t make us be nice to each other and it shouldn’t try. All of our rights are on the chopping block. Expect hate speech laws in the British or Canadian tradition, an end to parental rights, and a governmental invasion of your church. As the late George Carlin once said, “When fascism comes to America, it will not be in brown and black shirts. It will not be with jackboots. It will be Nike sneakers and smiley shirts.”

Smiley face fascism is here and it’s up to us to fend it off.

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