Does anyone have any type of connections to get some help to a Veteran that lives in Lake Park Ga. here's his story.
A retired Moody air force base staff sergeant may have only a few weeks left to live after a six year battle with cancer.
Jack Mester's home has deteriorated during his illness, and he's worried about the condition in which he'll leave it for his wife and daughter who are also dealing with serious illnesses.
Jack Mester is a man with an inspirational career. His service for our country exceeds 20 years of duty. He retired from Moody after taking part in Desert Storm as an F-16 crew chief and many other operations.
"I don't consider my self a hero or a person who should be looked up and admired to, I'm just a common man and I'm just trying to do my best," said Mester.
Mester has been fighting esophageal caner for six years and it's about to take his life. His wife suffers from diabetes and lupus and his daughter has epilepsy. The medical bills keep piling up.
"Living on a limited budget, that really hurts because I pay my bills with what SSI gives me and the little money that I have from retirement doesn't go very far," says Mester.
From being sick for so many years his home has been seriously neglected.
After the family's central air condition unit went out, they had to resort to window units, because they couldn't afford to replace it.