Bob Lajoie's Posts (3)

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     A nation divided cannot stand.  A nation without borders is not for long.  This current administration seems hell-bent on destroying the America we all have known and grown up with.  

Health care, education, housing and entitlement programs are going bankrupt.  American jobs and public safety are all being put at risk due to the inability (or unwillingness) of the current administration to secure our borders.  

      Thousands of illegals continue to stream across our southern border, encouraged by our policies and lack of law enforcement. How much longer will we, as US citizens, continue to allow this travesty to continue?

       The flow of drugs, weapons, diseases, drug-cartel violence and probably ISIS terrorists continue to invade our homeland, while captive Americans, among others, continue to die at the hands of these savage Islamofacists.  All while this inept president continues to golf and go on vacation.  The Middle East is burning, Russia is continuing its pursuit of the Ukraine, Iran continues its work on its nuclear weapons programs, China continues threatening its neighbors-and the list goes on.

       It's time to take back America come the November elections.  We need to remove every single spineless incumbent, both Republican and Democrat, and then work to impeach and remove Obama before it is too late.  Every single politician who refuses to stand up and hold this treasonous administration accountable should be shown the door, led out in cuffs and tried for crimes of treason against the US Constitution and the American people and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.  

       How far we have fallen as a nation when no one seems to be willing to take a stand against traitors (Obama, Holder, Reid and Pelosi to name a few) and continue to follow the wolf like sheep to their demise.

     (The above is a letter I submitted to the "Letters to the Editor" in a local newspaper called "The Sun,"  one of several I have submitted in the past three years.  It was run on Thursday, September 18th, 2014).  

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Illegal Immigration

      I believe another way to cut costs in the budget without truly hurting the wrong people is to go after the right people.  Illegal immigrants are a massive drain on many institutions in this country.  Healthcare, education, our courts and prisons, housing, jobs and many more that probably could be named all suffer due to the lack of enforcement of our immigration laws by our politicians.  Allowing lawbreakers access to what law-abiding citizens pay into with their hard-earned money is simply just wrong.  When you allow this to happen, it's no wonder why this country is going bankrupt.  You cannot continue to take out more than what you put in. Before you know it, you are basically robbing Peter to pay Paul and sooner or later, the well will run dry.  

      One way to work towards solving this problem is stop offering incentives for people to enter the country illegally.  Anyone who is not a legal citizen of this country should not be allowed ANY benefits whatsoever: no free money, no free or subsidized housing or healthcare, no free education, no Medicare or Social Security.  NOTHING AT ALL.  There is something wrong with this picture when people who don't basically pay into the system get to receive benefits from this same system.

      Another thing, no more anchor babies.   If you come here illegally, it's not our fault you have a child so don't expect us to pay for it in any way.  No free benefits at all.  Sorry. It may sound hateful but there is nothing hateful about wanting to be able to support all the poor people and children that we already have in our country who by the way are legal Americans.  When illegals drain the limited resources that we have in place, soon those citizens who legitimately need the help can not receive it.  I know too many people who need the help yet can't receive anything.  Of course, i don't only blame this on illegals, because I know that there are many Americans who abuse these systems in place to help those in need.  Root out fraud, corruption and waste and that will also go a long way into helping us save possibly billions of dollars alone per year.


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Waste, fraud and illegal immigration.

I believe that many of our problems today that arise from our monetary woes in this country, if tied in together, could go a long way into helping us resolve these woes.  For instance, rather than cutting programs like Welfare, Medicare, Social Security, Veterans benefits, etc., if only we went after all the corruption, fraud and waste in these programs, these efforts would go a long way in saving probably  millions, if not billions of dollars being thrown away.  Simply by cutting funding to these programs, it is only those that truly need them who will be hurt.  Those who don't will still be reaping what they don't need or deserve. 

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