CARY D'AGNESE's Posts (39)

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Poisning of the lambs - Obama Youth


  Do you have children attending the public schools today? Are they being taught a daily program or reading, writing and mathematics? How about U.S. history? Or maybe more like a liberal distortion of our history that has been changed for the sake of political correctness. Yes, unfortunately, there is more going on than just teaching academics.                                                        

 I have raised four children in the public schools. Ten years ago I removed my last child from the public schools. I did so because at that time the politically correct public schools were under going a complete purging of the values and teachings that were and important part of a child's education.                                                                                        

In these ten years since I removed my child from public schools I had worked as a non teaching staff member at a elementary school. I was in a very good position to see what was going on in the schools from the inside.

What I witnessed those ten years sickened me! I also learned very fast that there was a policy in place to completely silence free speech among staff members concerning anything but leftist political thought and opinions. I was shocked by how all teachers and staff were under such strict scrutiny of free thought and expression. I suppose this atmosphere was ok for most of the teaching staff.

I knew all of them quite well and they were all liberal educator types that leaned very far left. They were really a tight knit group of liberals. The ten years I worked at the elementary school the changes I witnessed were, the teaching of sex education starting in grade 3, a total ban on a moment of silence or prayer mornings, banning the pledge of allegiance, promotion of Homosexuality, programing children with leftist political propaganda from the Democratic party, Banning Christmas trees and Christmas Carrols and programs celebrating Christmas. Also continual demeaning of the 2nd amendment to the Constitution, Censoring of many children's books in the library allowing only leftist propaganda, censoring of opposing views on the internet, and a basic censorship of freedom of speech by the students concerning "any" conservative value....Oh! And let's not forget the school ordered drugging and dumbing down of about 30% of the students!  

 I can say now that sending your children to any public school is like sending the lambs to a den of wolves! Our children are being programed with the agenda of the radicle left. Now more than ever the evil forces are poisoning out little lambs. Your child will be programmed and brane washed to be a atheist left wing communist by the time they graduate from high school. They have also been taught core values for perversion and an unclean life style. This is a fact and not an opinion.

 If you have children in the public schools today I urge you to try to find an alternative way to educate your children. Home school, christian  schools or any privet school if you can afford one. Don't allow the forces of evel to corrupt your child!

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"The Tyrants want us on our knees!

undefined4064031406?profile=originalAlready the prospective candidates for the 2016 Presidential election are showing us it will be business as usual in the kingdom Hall in Washington DC! The same old elitists pushing the new world order. No hope and no recognition of the need for a reinstatement of our Constitution as the founding fathers intended the Constitution to govern us.

The same lame and privileged members of the millionaires club and the New World Order puppets are lining up to fight it out to claim the Imperial Crown in Washington. The Obama years have proven the very heart of our so called representative government is totally and fully corrupt! And corrupt at every level.

Our representatives in Washington ignor the people who sent them there. They have proven time and time again they walk a path of ego sentricisity and corruption. At the very least, contempt for the people who put them in power!

There are very few polititions in Washington that try to do their intended job of being a representative for their distric's voters. Most are overwhelmed by the forces of evil in the government. They seem to get lost in the cesspool that has become the Congress and the Senate!

As a whole, the body politic in America has become infected with self serving egotists that thirst for power and wealth. Not the service of integrity of what should be expected from an elected official. Thus rendering our nation a nation of pompus little dictators! What seems to be shaping up for the next Presidential election is more of the same!

If we survive 2 more years of the Communist Totalarian government of Obama we may want to rejoice in picking a new "Dear" leader. No matter who or what it is. But it seems it will be just more of the same. "Bertayal of the People! and the Constitution."

Therefore, In recognition of these facts that are self evident, we the people must take extreme measures as granted by our Constitution! We must make ready to do battle with the forces of evil who have hyjacted out government and constitution.

I urge all free citicens  to continue to train and mobilize your citizen militias and make ready. Start to intensify resistence and protest operations across the nation. Refuse to bow and cooperate with the Tyrant Obama. The clock is at one minute before midnight and all that was is slipping away in America. We must prepare to protect our family's and children from our own evil leaders!

Let in begin!

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There were three different sets of finger prints on the gun that assassinated two NYC police officers. Three killers...Three executioners! One a common street thug, but two were from the highest positions of respect in the nation. Obama and Eric               Holder!                                                                                           

Let there be no mistake. They were the driving force to adjatate the black community to violence and rebellion.Their extrodinary racially modivated out bursts were the bullets in the gun that killed the two young NYC officers.

How many more abominations must we witness before we remove the Tyrant Obama from Office? Do we have any heroes left to this nation that can bring down the tyrant Obama and his administration from Hell?


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The Christian faith and Jesus himself is now under constant attack by the liberal rag Yahoo! Today three articles on Dec. 18. There is no God, The Historic Jesus Never existed, and Who would Jesus Water Board!

Why is it now that the powers of the Satanic liberal left can openly preach bigotry and violate the constitution at will! How is it that the Obama Marxists and followers such as aggressive Homosexuals, Liberal Atheits and Luciferian Blasphemers are promoted and accepted in America and by the Obama government? 

At the same time the forces of Rtghtiousness and any faith based Christian or other religious groups are being ferociously attacked, degraded and separated from their constitutional rights. All this with the full backing and support of thier satanic Obama administration!

We are now at war with the Obama tyranicle Luciferian Forces! All people who believe in God and of faith must rally and fight this dark shadow that has fallen over our land. All people who loved our America must rally to defeat the evil that Obama has manifested against the forces of light and freedom!

We all must act now to stem the onslaught against us. All Patriot forces, all children of Christ and all free people who believe in the Constitution must now mobilize and act! Obama and his Luciferian and perverted hoards fully intend to destroy us our families and our way of life. We must all "now" commence operations against the the evil ones.

Prepare for battle!

Live Free or Die!

Prepair for battle!

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It seems for years now the Yahoo news has more and more promoted the left wing agenda.Just go to You Tube and you can see a long record of offences by yahoo. Now they have greatly accelerated their censorship of any opposition to the Obama administration. Now the wholesale censorship of Christians and conservative Patriots is practiced every day by yahoo. The homosexual agenda and the gun control efforts to kill the 2nd amendment is pushed almost on a daily basis in Yahoo news and comments!
Now any comments on the story commentary pages of Yahoo news are closely monitored. Questions from readers are being deleted by Yahoo that are anti left wing Obama or differ and appose left wing extremism. Citizens are now having their Yahoo accounts locked and then Cancelled by yahoo for making any negative comments to the left wing Communist or Homosexual agenda!
I urge all Patriots and citizens who love freedom to Cancel their yahoo accounts then send Yahoo a letter telling them why. Out country is now in a state of Totalitarian repression by the Communist Obama regime!Everyone must wake up and go onto action against this Government of Tyranny!

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My second account I had with Yahoo has now been locked and canceled without notice! I was threatened through the yahoo sponsored open discussion for the homosexual agenda. After a few weeks of participating and many threats of death and endless obscene, lewd and sickening comments aimed at Me and the Christians one final threat was kept!A promise that I was now on the list of Christians to be silenced was made. I was told by a homosexual activist on line at Yahoo my accounts were being canceled and I was to be silenced from any further expressions of opposition to resist the homosexual agenda! All this over using a few Bible quotes and standing up to their Lewd and filthy comments about Christians, the Bible and normal families!The closed accounts happened with in 24 hours of when the threat was made by the homo activist. He also let me know he knew my home address and yahoo or his organization has hacked my account. And indeed, he did show me he had this information!All my work and records on 2 email accounts were stolen and closed and deleted by Yahoo. Including names and address of active Christian resistance patriots. I feel so violated and defeated by Yahoo and it's perverse left wing agenda. We are certainly at war in this country.The chilling fact is, I was told on the Yahoo comment page several times by different crazed homosexuals their agenda was to "kill" Christians and their families!<"To rid the country of all Christians!" I fully believe now the goal of the Tyrant Obama and the forces of Evil he represents is to incarcerate then exterminate all Christians and all people who resist that evil!br/>
I urge ALL Tea Party members to cancel their Yahoo accounts and send Yahoo management a letter renouncing their censorship, Promotion of leftist ideology and perversion! I urge all Christians and decent people in America to do the same. If we do not fight back nothing will change! If everyone does this it will hurt yahoo and they will know why.

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Does anyone know?

Recently aggressive Homosexuals have proclaimed often in the media their agenda and same sex marriage cannot be turned back. They say things have gone to far in the courts and soon the Supreme court will order in their favor. Now they are dancing with joy and laughing and spewing lewd obscenities at normal people and familys! Their aggression and frenzy is building more and more! It is horrible to read their rabid comments in the media!

Does anyone know if they are right about never overturning their progress in the court orders? It would seem all their demands are un constitutional. Homosexuality is and never has been a right. It is a perversion and a sin that we and our families were protected from! The constitution does not in any way promote Perversion. Does it take a judge to figure that out?

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Back from the dead!

4064027730?profile=original  My dad was a highly decorated WW2 veteran. One of the greatest generation. He served in the Pacific theater. He flew 50 combat missions and earned 4 bronze battle stars and the Air medal and many other decorations. He was a good and kind man.  A straight shooter. He learned early in life Conservatism was a path to a solid foundation for a family with values and building the nation on Godly principals..

 He passed away in 1962 at the young age of 37 from cancer.. Although he was gone the values and faith he instilled in me has never died. His example and heroism, patriotism and faith will forever guide my life.

I often wonder if my dad could come back now, to see what has happened to the America he loved so much what he would say, what he would think? For this is a country that is not at all what he knew and fought for during WW2.

I am glad he has been in heaven with Jesus all these past years. I do not think he could have bared the sorrow of what our country has become. He could never stand by and accept the silent holocaust of the millions of babies murdered by choice, never accept God being thrown out of our schools! Never accept schools refusing entry to men in military uniform. The fact of the current police state. The loss of so many basic constitutional rights under the manipulation of laws by liberals, Homosexual becoming politically and morally correct, Gay marriage, Homosexuals and transvestites in favor with our military, treason in the White House, I could go on and on for an hour!

I am thankful my dad did not live to see this abomination that is Obama's America. This nation is a Hell on earth now, created by liberal traitors and perverts. Every day another nail is put into the lid of our coffin! The forces of Evil are preparing to finalize their betrayal to the Constitution and God himself.

These times we are now living in are historic times. For we are witnessing the " Rape,Torture and Death of America." They are historic times because on our watch we are doing NOTHING to stop the Evil !

As out parents and grand parents rose to defeat Hitler and Empire of Japan. Let us rise in anger and righteous indignation to smite and totally defeat the powers of evil killing our nation! Let us strike and strike hard and often until we destroy the evil from within.

If the men and women of our greatest generation were still here and active what would they say? What would they do? Well, I have to say my gut feeling is, the ground would be running red with the blood of treason and perversion!

God bless the America that was! For he certainly is not blessing it now.

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Thank you for your many comments...... Mostly positive, although we seem to have a few traitors here in our ranks that made some hurtful and some negative comments. Yes I sometimes make a few grammar errors in my writing. I am an old guy! Also have arthritis pretty bad and it is difficult to type some days. For the few that did not believe my report of this incident I say go back to the Obama camp Traitors! You can see your homosexual friends and Obama in Hell...Now to answer the question why did I not provide links to the Homosexual attacks on me at Yahoo and more proof, I can say to you Yahoo deleted my email, they locked and then deleted my comment and notification page each commenter keeps. They refuse to talk about anything! Plain and simple. I lost all my emails and a lot of important work saved on my email drafts. They took everything away from me! Anyone who has followed anyone Anyone who takes a little time to just follow Yahoo news can easily see they push the perverted Homosexual agenda. They also use radicle Homo postings linked to the Huffington Post often!

PS. To anyone who find offense to my format writing or structure of this writing or think I need grammar lessons like a few stated on my comments. Please don't read them! You are obviously to good to read my writings!  If you are one of Americas aleat educators I really do not give a sweet shit. I am a common lowley retired working man! And proud of it!

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I recently started responding to the news story open commentaries on line at Yahoo news. For a long time I had whitenessed aggressive Homosexuals degrading normal families, normal marriage and event normal children with a mother and father. Oh, and lets not forget continual obscene and perverse remarks about Christians!
I began respond to the sick postings with Bible quotes and appealing to the homosexuals to seek Christ to help them.I never imagined what would happen next! After a week of responding to aggressive and perverse postings by homosexuals yahoo cancelled and closed my account. They refused to reopen it and banned me from Yahoo! All because I was a Christian and offended the Rabid homosexuals with an invite to come to Christ for help! Yahoo News seemed to think the filthy remarks of the many homosexuals responding to news stories was just fine! 
 Please listen very closely to what I now say. I see it is a fact that these homosexuals have become very aggressive and dangerous now that Obama has promoted their sick agenda. Believe me when I tell you I have seen Hell in print from these perverts. They are dangerous! They very much want to Sodomize and convert our children and they want to kill us! They want to bring down normal families and normal marriage! They are brain washing our children in the public schools. 
I fully believe soon The Obama administration will arrest imprison and Kill Christians! I have herd rumors of pastors and Ministers now being arrested for Preaching the gospel in their Churches! For the love of god, People must now stand up and fight! We must Rise up against Obama and turn back this Totalitarian Dictatorship before we have lost everything!

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Obama will try to disarm us soon!

Michelle Obama recently leaked to a fried that Obama had a plan to move on the citizens to confiscate "ALL" firearms in the next year or two. She told her close fried she guaranteed it! We must take these statements seriously aside from the fact Obama has stated himself he wants all our guns. Citizens make ready. Let us prey Obama may be removed from office by the congress or the military before we have civil war.

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Satan's attacks by his Homosexual armies

4064022505?profile=originalI have recently seriously started researching the homosexual agenda and current aggressive actions of homosexuals in positions in government at both low and high levels. Case in point...Very recently a lesbian Mayor of a large Texas city had the city send demands to all the leading Pastors and Christian churches in her city to had over every week the weekly sermon and teaching materials. Refusal to comply would result in arrest! This drama is still playing out in Texas!

 For the love of God! This is to horrible to comprehend. Under the Obama administration we have turned into a totalitarian state led by perverts! It is now been proven that Obama was a active homosexual for years! The proof in on you tube and on the internet. Obama's past has been hidden by the lying liberal news media for years.  Satan sits in the White House!...Everyone must join the resistance. Arm your selves to protect your children and your family's. Resist these terrible Satanic forces any way possible. Form and organize resistance movements and local militias! We need all prepare for the worst.

Glory be to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ...

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4064022505?profile=original I recently learned the lesson of my life! I am not passive and tolerant of this issue anymore. I have seen with my own eyes what really is and where it comes from....This is pure spiritual warfare and Christians are the target!  Recently I had responded to terrible comments made by Homosexuals on line during the state by state court decisions to legalize homosexual marriage in some states. I only inserted a few Bible quotes about Homosexuality into the debates on Yahoo and stated repentant sinners can be helped and saved by the cross. Immediately all the powers of hell came down upon me after me very fast! Aggressive dirty and threatening comments by perverted Homosexuals came to me constantly for 2 weeks on my yahoo page. I quickly learned most "all" Homosexuals are dangerous and aggressive. Filthy and corrupt. There is No good in them! Their expressed desires are to have multiple sex partners and promote Sodomy and perversion. The thought of turning children to their sickening life style excites and delights them! Children are prime a target of their lust and red meat to them! They support such perverted organizations as" NAMBLA" North American Man Boy Love Association. NAMBLA's purpose is to promote child rape and molestation by Homosexuals! They want rights to sodomize your Children! They have already gone public and march in many Gay rights parades! National Gay rights supports all of this! Homosexual rights will not stop with Same sex marriage. They intend to destroy children and normal family's!  The filthy homosexual Pig Obama supports these people!

 Homosexuals have also now invented their own false religion that allows their perversion and destroys the truth of the Christian bible. They all want to remake God in their image. Also many stated they were Atheists and loved Sodomy. They truly want good and honest people along with Christians Dead! My life has been threatened many times now researching this agenda. The Homosexual agenda includes programing little children in public school under the liberal agenda for homosexual perversion and the destruction of the normal American family and moral values. These Vermin must be stopped! The sad fact is our President Obama is a Homosexual and has made this situation of aggressive homos his priority!  Remember, Satan is a liar and a deceiver! Do not listen or sympathize with the Homosexual agenda. Their doctrine, beliefs and agenda are Satanic! And will only hurt society, families and children.

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Homosexual Agression

As the nation and the children of Christ come under attack by unrepentant Homosexuals, we the the silent majority do rebuke condemn and deny the ungodly aggression of the homosexuals with Righteous Indignation in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
 Brethren, decent family's and patriots join the resistance to the Tyranny and Perversion of the Evil ones who are destroying America in Washington and throughout the land! Dawn the full armor of the Lord and do battle with the evil ones who do Satin's work. Protect your families and children from their agenda of ungodly Sodomy and Perversion!  For the time is short. Do Not submit and bow to the Beast! For unrepentant homosexuals are of Satan and he commands them.  The end times are happening now.Soon the Son of Man shall return to punish the evil and the wicked and judge the world. The unrepentant shall be judged and cast into the lake of fire for ever and ever. Amen
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The Tyrany must fail

We must stop the madness!...We must stop the insanity! The resistance must act to stop the communist jihadist Tyrant Obama any way possible. Soon it will be to late for America. I appeal to the armed forces to arrest and remove Obama and restore the constitution!

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Satan is in the White House!

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
Marcus Tullius Cicero

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Stop the Tyrant Obama Now!

Permalink Reply by CARY D"AGNESE 2 seconds ago Delete

 Once again the tyrant Obama has broken federal law and voided the constitution! When will he be stopped? He must be stopped now! Why are the Republicans we sent to the house not doing something? Obama MUST be removed asap! If the congress cannot do it the military must arrest and remove the Tyrant. The people have the power through the Constitution to remove the Communist Jihadist homosexual Traitor. The proof is there right in front of everyone. Every day that goes by America is dying a little more! I pray the military will soon Oust the Gangster Obama and his regime and set up new elections soon before America is no more. Something Must be done! Now his Homosexual agenda is perverting our society. What else can he do to hurt Good and decent Americans and their family's? Every day Obama is in office he laughs at the voters and urinates on the constitution! He must be stopped any way possible! Obama is the single biggest threat to American family's, children, Our Laws, and our decency, and out freedom! He is a clear and present danger to the United states and the constitution! He is the enemy from with in that is destroying us all.

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4064016615?profile=original As the shroud of the Rain Bow flag of the homosexuals seems to descend over the nation fear not. For all these happenings were foretold and must come to pass before the Son of Man returns. For our beloved America is now under judgment by almighty God.

 Now is the time we shall all be tested in our faith and moral character of our nation. People of God stand up to the evil ones! Bear witness to the many condemnations by the Lord and the book of the abomination of Homosexuality and Satan’s doctrine of same sex marriage.

 Resist and stand up to the aggressive and forceful actions and attacks by the wicked against you and your families. Do not be fooled into the acceptance of Perversion and Sodomy just because the evil ones say their perversion is a right! Perversion is not a right but rather a sin to be protected from!

 Remember, Satan is a liar and a deceiver. There is no truth in him. Do not listen to the homosexuals and their demands and doctrine! For they are of Satan. They live an unrepentant and perverted life style that is an abomination to Almighty God!

 Be stead fast and loyal to God and the Holy scriptures and God will lift you up.

For if the purveyors of darkness and perversion do not repent their fate will be sealed in the lake of fire for ever and ever! Amen

Glory be to our lord and savior Jesus Christ.

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The real Homosexual agenda

Just so no one is in the dark about the Perversion of all Homosexual activity please see the following statement by a Gay activist! I have recently started to finally stand up to Homos verbally attacking normal heterosexual marriages and family's. Enough is enough. They say their Homosexuality and also Gay marriage is a right! The fact is, Perversion and Sodomy is not a right! It is a Sin to be protected from. the Homos want a war? OK, let's give them one!

READ THE FOLLOWING declaration by the Gay community news...  IT IS AN ABOMINATION!

Do not be misled by the Gay community. Here is an example of the gay Agenda in America as it appeared in a writing in the Gay Community News written by Michael Swift...

We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity,

We shall seduce them in the schools,

in your dormitories,

in your gymnasiums,

in your locker rooms,

in your sports arenas,

in your seminaries,

in your youth groups.”

Why is this perverted garbage never shown on the national news media?

Gay rights? Gay marriage? Perversion is not a right! It is a sin! For they are an abomination to God! The son of man shall cast the wicked into the lake of fire for ever and ever. Amen Repent before it is to late!

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