Catherine Boula's Posts (2)

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When I think abou the amount of money that I have paid into social security and the fact that the government took it upon themselves to reach their grubby little hands into my retirement (which I had no choice about contributing to) and use this money as they see fit, it amounts to ARMED ROBBERY. The goverment should never have the right to touch our social security benefits....We have to stop them and their arrogance. They should not be allowed to spend one dollar of our money without our approval. When we fill out our tax returns we should be able to indicate how we would like our taxes spent. We have had TAXATION without REPRESENTATION for too long. We should also refuse to file our tax returns in April.....
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We have got to save our country

Between the taxes, illegal aliens, runaway spending,special interest groups and politicians in this country, the hard-working AMERICAN is watching their country be destroyed. We have to secure our borders, bring back jobs from oversees (who wants to speak to someone in India when they have a computer problem. I called in about a problem with my Microsoft word and asked to speak with an American and was told it would cost me $5.oo, this is ridiculous). I am tired of having to push 1 for English. I am tired of people taking 5 breaks during the day so they can pray. Why can't I take 5 breaks a day,not that I would want to...So many fine people have lost so much. We have to clean house in the White House and Washington DC. We have to take back our country. I have been unemployed for over a year. I used to earn over $150,000 a year. I have used up my savings and am worried about taxes going higher. I am mad and frustrated with the stupidity of WDC. Get Pelosi and Reid OUT. Thanks for allowing me to air my grievances. I have been fearful to do it in the past because of BIG BROTHER watching...But who cares, there is not much more they can do to me. GOD BLESS THE AMERICA I grew up in. I hope we can take our country back....

PS Please don't speak to your co-workers in a foreign language when I am checking out at your register...

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