Cecil Dye's Posts (1)

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America’s Values to continue the American Dream:

                Honor the American Flag

Protect and live by the Constitution and Bill of Rights

Foster Family Values (everyone has a family)

Educate our Children, including our Great History, Wars for Freedom, Medical & Scientific Developments, Inventions and Industrialization, Social Programs, etc. 

Provide workforce/military employment as first jobs for all high school graduates/dropouts.

Honor and Provide Care for our Veterans

Balance the United States Budget – thru rigorous purging of waste, duplication and outdated spending programs/departments in the government.  Stop all bonuses until a balanced budget is achieved and no incentives paid if it takes us over a balanced budget.

Reduce our National Debt from $18Trillion to half that in 10 years 2016 to 2026.

Limit Terms of Senators and Representatives – we can no longer have lifetime representatives; they have proven to be ineffective and lack urgency. Suggested two term limit for everyone. Lifetime benefits must be appropriately reduced requiring these representatives to real jobs in our economy.

Reduce the welfare programs by creating jobs and opportunities for those able to work.

Reduce tax burdens and increase the number of people paying taxes to offset the reduction in rates.

Provide incentives for businesses to bring back money held overseas in tax free havens so they can invest it on American soil for Americans.



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