Charles H. Seitz's Posts (1)

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Please photocopy this and send it to all of

your friends and everybody you know. By doing this you can do your small part in fixing our economy. Which is easy to do. Just issue consumer dollars to individuals  to spend on buying things and services and just write it off. There is plenty of unused credit to do this that nobody knows about. That is because there are two systems that are opposite to each other: the Mercantile/Capitalistic and the Industrial. In the Industrial system your entire paycheck should be spent on consumer products and services. Any money not spent such as savings, investments, entitlements and income taxes create the unused credit. It is like borrowing money from the bank, it has to be paid back. There is a difficulty: While putting some of your paycheck into your savings account is an individual  act, paying out the unused credit is only authorized by the government, hence the need for grass-root class-action. This puts us in a campaign to Congress and possibly run our own candidates for office.  Inflation must be controlled  and the Fed stopped from borrowing money. It only adds to the deficit which can be reduced once the economy is prosperous and affluent which can also  balance state budgets, create jobs, fund entitlements and pensions. Liberals want to spend money which is good for the Industrial system, but bad for the Investment system and Conservatives want to cut spending which is good for investment capitalism but bad for the  free enterprise industrial system because Social Security is the fuel that runs the economy and to cut S/S would cause a recession.  So in our two system economy what is good for one is  bad for the other and visa versa.  So the Liberals want to increase the deficit and the Conservatives want a Depression  Down the road later on the Industrial system can be set up in its own right with its own institutions, but for now, what we need is first-aid. That would be consumer dollars given to individuals to  spend on consumption and just written off.  “Time is awastin” to make our feelings  and desires known. Contact Congress and ask your friends to do the same.

Charles H. Seitz                                     website:

628 Topsfield Road                              blog :     http:/

Hatboro, PA 19040-451`3                  Book:  Revenge at High Tor,  available at Amazon .com              


(215) 675-5524


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