Dana's Posts (3)

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It is the stupid, lazy everyday people living in America that are to blame for the Obama Administration. It is such a joke. The Tea-Partiers tend to be hard-working, smart, industrious people, so my complaint does not apply to them. It was so obvious at election time, but they voted him in anyway, hoping to get a little money instead of getting a little money the old-fashioned way---by hard work! It serves them right. Now the joke is on all of us... (what used to be but I won't dignify them by using the term in this context) ...theAMERICAN people. Shame on them. What happened to the Pledge of Allegience? Basic Principles? Mr. Obama is making a mockery of our country, its founding fathers, its history, and no one seems to care. He does this because none of it applies to him personally. Let's get a clue, shall we, before it's too late???!!!!
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I had posted awhile back regarding healthcare reform. Someone had asked me to elaborate on my post(ition), but at the time time it was pretty much physicaly impossible to respond. Now I would like to elaborate on my views on how the future of healthcare is a whole new ballgame, but I can't find the related threads to do so...In other words, I don't know where to start...I also have to say that I am grateful to have the Tea Party Forum as a forum with whom to not only speak but to be heard, which is rather hard to find these days. I must point out that this (our Tea) Party also appears to have extremists within it...
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Why I Joined the Tea Party Tonight

I joined the Tea Party tonight because I believe that the future of America is hanging by a thread. I believe in the principles set forth by the Founding Fathers of the United States of America. I personally was raised in a "whitebread" community in a country club in NJ in the 1970's and raised to believe that all men/women are created equally and deserve the right to strive for excellence which I have done & achieved. I am willing to fight because although I am a pacifist and a Catholic, my children are "biracial" (my husband and I have informed them that they are "Americian") and I want them to live in a clean, peaceful and free world where they can pursue their dreams. They already speak of their plans to do so and they are only 3 years old. What a wonderful way to start! Let us hope that we can continue to afford to be able to support their gifts, talents, values and hopes for a better and brighter USA, because at the rate our country is going, we no longer can do so despite our blood, sweat, sleeplessness, grit, toil, sacrifice and HARDSHIP, I dare say, matches some of that which is being brought to the spotlight by our current administration.
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