So, Lying Joe O'Biden has announced his withdrawal as the Demoncratic Party's Presidential Candidate though something isn't right about this announcement.
First, Notice that he did so, NOT on Official Presidential Letterhead, but on personal letterhead. I question if this is even an official statement or if Lying Joe's family had this done to allow for plausible deniability. It is reported that he is NOT happy with his criminal friends within the Party and the way they have turned on him.
Second, compare the signature on the Announcement Letter with his Official Signature. The "o" in Joe is closed, the "B" in Biden has a hook at the top, the "B" in Biden is NOT connected to the "i", the "dot" on the "i" in Biden is not in the same place, the loop on the "d" in Biden is closed instead of open, the loop in the "e" in Biden is closed instead of open, and there looks to be a "s" appended to the end of Biden. So, did Joe even sign this letter?
Third, the only place I can find this letter is as a picture posted to X (formerly Twitter), not as a PDF.
Fourth, It also strikes me as odd that a currently sitting President of the United States of America, with all of the vast resources assigned to that office, would make such an earth shattering announcement on other than Official Letterhead and on social media instead of posting it to the official White House website.
Taken together, I am NOT convinced that Lying Joe has actually resigned from the election in a manner that would stand up in a court of law.
This is all VERY SUSPICIOUS!!!





Woodbury, TN

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