Posted by David Gregson on April 17, 2011 at 12:30pm
New Party - Americans for Common Sense". We are tired of our tax expeditures and entitlements going to the exact people your "Tea Party" supports; the absolute wealthy, filthy rich such as reality TV proponents like the Kardashian's, Donald Trump Mahattan rich who stole our tax money and you people keep attacking the poor which will backfire and started this week. We want US jobs back here. You prostelyze the poor because you don't have enough votes bt fear of the government, yet, they aren't invited to your Sarah Palin Coctail Parties. We want your global executives to pay tariffs to re-build America. Your donors are wealthy, we have CNN, ABC, CBS, PBS and you have FOX. Stop deamonizing the poor, our education system is failing, our railines, airlines aging, oil wells destroyed valued fisheries which create employment here. The goal for Americans for Common Sense is to streamline American Government while protecting our jobs, environment, education and morality. We also want infrastructure re-built at your wealthy contributors expense and to eliminate Warren Buffet's who undermine the American dream. Those who are really disillusioned, remember, that AIG gave your tax dollars to Lybyan banks, Wells Fargo anounced that when government functioned well, many jobs from contractors were created and the ecconomy was significantly better. Why ought politicians get paid when the troops don't during budget impasse. Many people are happy their kids are now covered by Health Care Reform. Many students get education funding that will latter pay for the wealthy who are aging and need health care. Rememeber, "Americans for Common Sense" is coming.
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