Because of what Obama is doing, I decided to check to see if any Tea Party activities are scheduled (rallies or peaceful protests) to participate in – and guess how many I found? NONE! I listen to the news to see if the Tea Party is actively demonstrating displeasure (boots on the ground protesting like several years back). Did I hear of any? NOT EVEN ONE! Anywhere!!
While blacks and anarchist are rioting, Obama and his staff subtly continue to fan the flames of racism. What protests has the Tea Party been involved in? While Obama legalizes millions of illegals, and while the Mexican illegals protest INSIDE this country – how many protests has the Tea Party been involved in? I could go on and on.
Folks, we can send everyone these discussions, but it’s simply preaching to the choir. Good people are sitting and doing NOTHING but sending emails. That’s all great, but do the liberals really care? NO! Has it made a difference? Very little. Obama and the others continue to do their transformative deeds to ruin this country.
Come on people – the Tea Party made a big difference several years back – when there were peaceful rallies and protests that made it clear we wouldn’t tolerate the stupidity! We have to have boots on the ground. Where is the leadership? I’m new to this and just got involved – but I’ve not been impressed. Tea Partiers need to glean the benefits of protests and rallies too. Even the idiots realize it. Wise up – or rhinos and libs will continue making progress. I live in Montana (originally from KC) and checked our local chapters activities – there were none – and I live in one of the largest cities in the state. Let’s see some leadership and boots on the ground! Please.