to loose such a battle is a shame, but some times we must loose a battle to find the strength of our opponent,
1 to win the war we must use truth and understanding and patience.
2 truth Freedom for all is our goal,
3 limited Federal Government, pass the rights back to states and cities and counties etc,
Back to the people,
Federal Government limited to protecting Our Rights and Freedoms,
Nothing more nothing less
Marriage , and Family laws to be exclusive at state level,
if some one supports Gay Marriage and abortion let them live in that state,
If some one wants traditional values , let them live in that state,
but stop the interstate taxes, like if you own a car why should you pay a tax when you move,,,
etc, the Federal laws must be limited, just like Government handouts,
Any thing given to any one or any organization or Government Must be given to all US citizens First,
that will stop the pandering and stealing, by Big Government