Sparks, Nv
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Is America a republic?
By force, if necessary!
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You posted this comment on my page..What ARE you talking about. I didn't vote for that commie..matter of fact I campaigned against him...twice
I will be wearing the same as I had on last year-Look for a 2 squad unit walking same way but not with the protesters--no doubt in MY MIND--NO ONE will question US. I will be carrying by sling my M-14 Sniper with 30rnd mag--LOADED and one in .and a GLOCK .40 .as ALL my unit will be locked.loaded and ready. WE also will be rolling our Strykers (all weapons hot) and placing them around the areas WE are to secure.
HAS been discussed by my Command( a Marine 3 star(active duty)) ROE and when to step in. 1--NO ROE--if fired on FREE FIRE ZONE 2.USE my discretion on when and IF we step in ..COMMS will be up nation wide and IF NEED BE the shit will hit the fan IF I MOVE to use force to protect the un-armed. WE are READY nationwide but NOT ready --don't have all he people from what I know that can step in and CONTINUE our GOVT.
4JULY2013---11SEPT2013---I and 22 OTHERS dressed in CAMO and carrying semi and FULLY AUTO WEAPONS walked the streets of DC--and NO ONE bothered to "CHECK"US.....we DROVE into DC in several STRYKERS--now WHATS wrong with that picture >..
AND I've been out of the CORPS since 2005 BUT worked for an INTEL AGENCY as an operator and consultant and still am getting updates.
SO I ask HOW HARD do you think it's going to be to get my unit--4 BATTALIONS of SPEC-OPS RECON, ACTIVE DUTY and VETS into DC when the word comes down to move out-IMHO and that of Command EASY .
Semper FI and stay safe--going to need you later! ROFLMAO--YOUNG 70--I will be 67 in \April.

jscusmc69 USMC 1965 to 2005
Commanding 1st Patriot RECON Regiment-R.C.T-