Dr Gene Landrum's Posts (1)

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Who, in this Land of Opportunity, was this patriotic song written about? Was it for Governances?  "I think not."  Was it for the immigrants? "I think not."  Was it for 'Illegals'?  ''Again I think not"

 Then who was it written for? Does the term: "We the People" sound familiar?"  The We means all who are in America, past, present and future, who was/did/will be good productive citizens'.  Sounds Great, but is it True?  

My answer is Could Be!  How?  Easy, everyone, Pulling the' Wagon of Freedom', if you can't Pull then Push the Wagon of Freedom, and those who truly can't do either, can 'Ride the Wagon of Freedom!  

Depending on, where you live in, there maybe Lots of Opportunity, (Good Honest Work Opportunities) or very little!  There is not a place in the USA (or World) that there are no opportunities to work!
 It may not be the 'Work' of you Choice, but its work, that can get you the job/career you seek!

 That is the 'Reason behind the Song: Land of Opportunity, and the Plaque on the Statue of Liberty!  Nether, alludes to Land of the Slacker's, Land of the Government Handouts, its for those who seek a 'Hand up' in order to take the opportunity: to take the opportunities, out in the 'Working Lands' of the USA.

Those who think they are 'entitled' to benefits by not contributing back to support the system, are Wrong Thinkers' in my humble opinion.  Work for Free, is not an option, neither is Work to pay a Fee, an option.  But! it is the option that many of us 'Productive Workers' have to pay for our Freedom and for those who Think they are Entitled.  

Not, to be Socialist, but there is 'Fairness' in "Share and Share Alike" when it comes to 'Freedom' for All!  Other  quote  is " Do unto other's as you would have them do onto you"!  Simple!  NOT!  If you are of opinion: "Well my neighbors are getting xyz from the government without working, then I'm entitled to xyz but more so because my Ancestors were   ( blank!)(Slavery is just one of the reason's given, how about my 'Great-great- great Parent fought in the (what ever war, you want to use) so that make me entitled to more ??? )    This attitude becomes a 'Pandemic' across this Great Land, pretty soon, it reaches a 'Critical' point (10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50% (critical mass begins, Why?)  At 10% there are 90% Working, till you get to 50%, but what makes this the critical point, because you have to add 1 to 2% of the Super Wealthy into the mix, especially the one's who are taking their 1/2% overseas and helping other economies, that may or may not be the Friend of the USA way of Life/Beliefs.  So, with 48% contributing to the 'Benefits of All' the burden gets to high for all.  This is why I've Changed the Works: Land of the FREE, Home of the BRAVE, to "Land of the FEE, Home of the Brave who stay to pay the FEE for Freedom!  Get the Point.

 Its true; "You are either part of the problem or part of the solution" you can't be both at once, unless you become a CAVE Person, NIMBY Person, 'I've got mine, go get your's" kind of citizens!

"Beware of the Radicals: Right or Left", they all come to the Center, to get voted into Power over "We the People" if you are a 'Radical' make it 'F0r The People' like the Tea Party Movement, or Ross Perot's, Movement, or better yet!  Like the Partisan's of the Revolution ("Give me Liberty or give me Death!")  Those type of Radicals, I can support!  

Of course I'm a Non-Partisan by choice, Non-Religious (not a atheist) by Choice, USA Born Citizen, and I approve by Choice, Community Activist, appointed by a 'Liberal Paper', which I gladly accept!  Most importantly, I'm an Family Leader, of a Working family!  I've Accepted the Spiritual Side of Jesus Christ, because Spirits of Energy are only Natural.  

Thank you for allowing me my 'Freedom of Speech' and if you don't then: "Your org. is part of the Problem!

These are my opinions and no one else is forced to believe them, but I encourage 'All' who do or those who don't to reply!  Your Words cannot Hurt me, only your Country!  Think about it!

 Dr. Gene~Landrum, Theorist/Philosopher of Quantum Theory of Everything. "Where Everything is Pure Energy, Energy cannot be destroyed, only transformed by force."  


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