The above link is to an article about an issue that I was just made aware of yesterday. The basic jest of it is this. Under the new mandate of Obamacare, Hobby Lobby will, as of Jan 1 of 2013, will be required to provide, as an add on to their employees' health care package, insurance that would pay for abortions or face 1.3 million dollars a day in fines which would certainly run their company out of business. Hobby Lobby, however, is a Christian owned and run company and as such, it is against their religious beliefs to aid in abortions. The company has filed for a temporary injunction with the Oklahoma district court while the company prepares a law suit that will hopefully provide a permanent injunction to protect the companies first amendment rights of religion, as well as speech and association. The court, however, dinied their injunction saying that the mandate does not violate their 1st amendment rights. The company plans to appeal the decision to the 10th circuit court of appeals, and, if nessisary, the supreme court, but if they can't get a favorable decision, the companies owners will have a difficult decision to make, close their doors or violate their religious beliefs.
I do not think that the founding fathers ever intended this to happen, nor do I believe that any of the men and women who have died protecting America ever intended for this to happen, but we have a government that is willing to do whatever it takes to make America what they want it to be. I end this blog with a request, share this information. The liberal media is not covering this issue, so not many people know about the horrible violations of our basic freedoms that is happening right under our noses, so if we do not spread the news, how will people know? How can we expect things to change, or how can we expect to avoid the disaster at the end of the road we are on if we do not do something to change the path we are on? Please, do not let our freedoms, or our nation, slip away quietly to the memory of history. Fight on America, fight on for freedom!