Gary Dupree's Posts (1)

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Where I am work, I am known and mocked for being a passionate conservative voter.  Those who do so do not vote.  One is a nonvoter because he doesn't want to get mad.  One reason I vote is that I am mad at the garbage in the White House.

There is another who just goes with the flow.  Apathy everywhere.  They complain about politicians but do not vote.  The right to complain comes with having exercised the responsibility to research the candidate and vote the best way you can.

Irresponsible voting and nonvoting is the problem.

Another coworker is young, and she asks me questions.  She is thinking about voting.  I am gently trying to educate her about the truth that the liberal media tries to hide, and where she can go to find the truth.  We must mentor a truth seeking person into voting responsibly to protect our republic from the ostrich voters that are the problem.  And counter the "I got a cell phone" voters who are irresponsible voters of the 47%.

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