Every so often, somebody wakes up and walks out of the crowd. Every so often, somebody stops and says : " Hey, this is WRONG!".
Every so often, somebody stands up and says " Oh, NO YOU DON'T..NOT in MY NAME!"
Every so often, 'We The People" speak up and call an end to "Business as Usual".
NOT so often, does an organization receive such open distasteful comments from a sitting President, as did the Tea Party, when the current President "slipped" and used the regrettable and vulgar term " Tea Bagger", when referring to the Party of the American People. I was at first shocked, then disappointed. Very quickly, I realized that the "source" of the rude reference was a little man standing behind a very large job title. Considering the source, I realized just how serious he and his party take us as a threat. I say that we're not a "threat", but rather, we are "reality".
I'd say that the powers that have been operating Carte Blanche in Washington for hundreds of years have finally been given the wake-up, shot-across-the-bow that IS the Tea Party.
In my opinion, this country has been led astray. We've been taken so far off course that we are in the most severe threat of failure since the greatest test of the union, the Civil War.
What is so very apparent is that the system as we know it has failed us. The system that has allowed the future of ourselves, our children and their children, to be sold into financial servitude screams of the need to be corrected. The political cartel that is in power currently, that which is attempting to change America according to their ideals, are attempting to initiate their brand of change from "..the bottom-up and from the outside-in".. Change, in their view, starts with a redistribution of wealth. The easiest way to take somebody's money is to make that paper currency be worthless. Scared and desperate people are much easier to manipulate than wise, aware and enlightened populace. Your money is being manipulated downward. Deliberately. It's easier to "redistribute" that way.
Make no mistake: I'm not scared. I'm not afraid. What I am, is "Mad as Hell".
One party gave us a system whereby, under threat of Janet Reno, anybody with a pulse was guaranteed a home loan. Regardless.
Add to this a cadre of corporations that took full-fledged advantage of this "Federal Guarantee" and committed what will be eventually revealed to have been the greatest, largest and most devastating crime in the history of the world. And they are getting away with it. Trillions of dollars worth...( I never thought I'd be speaking of this amount of money, I never thought that amount even existed, and in fact, it does NOT physically exist!)
Now, the Democrats are crying that they "inherited" the current mess from a Republican Administration. They are admittedly partly correct. They did "inherit"..but they have their own party to thank, if they wish to be transparent. The mess was made larger by unbridled greed and manipulation, and the mess was amplified even more,by the wholesale bailing out of --with little or no strings attached of the very institutions that took part in the crime! The chaos that ensued when the cards came tumbling down was felt around the world.
The reality to me, is that BOTH sides of the political aisle have each done their part to bring this country to it's knees, and to have for ever changed the future of this nation.
The reality to me, is that BOTH sides are guilty and need to be held accountable for their actions. Taking power away from both sides is the logical choice..to hold BOTH sides accountable for this huge problem is easy. Making them change is the hardest part of all. I'm not sure that we can count on them to do so. The Left is too busy trying to change this country, and the far Right is too busy trying to sell it.
I'm furious at what has happened to my Country. I am furious that the Red Dragon will arise profit from our ashes, having never fired a shot. The fact that China is building up to be the next super power is inescapable. They have done so by letting us shoot ourselves. We have fanned their flames with Treasury Notes, sold on the open market, to fuel and feed the system that is failing us.
America is at the greatest cross roads since the first Civil War.
We can no longer rely upon the decisions made by the Left or by the Right, to safely guide this great nation through the world today.
America is calling for a fundamental wake-up.
America is calling for a return to the very principals that created this nation.
It's time to take BOTH sides of the political aisle to the woodshed. Let's put them BOTH on notice; " If you do not stop business as usual, and if you don't change your financially irresponsible ways, then we will replace you with men and women of better character than you, with greater sense of God and Country than you, and who posses respect for the future of this Great Nation".
Republicans and Democrats: Consider Yourselves On Notice.
You've FAILED this country and we're Mad As Hell...in fact, "You're FIRED!".
I am born on the 4th of July. I am a proud American. I have served in her Armed Forces. I am a father, husband and small business owner. I am not inclined to lay down and be stepped on. Not any longer.
We need to vote as if our future counts on it.
Because it really does.
God Bless the Tea Party.
Geoff McPherson, Ashland, OR.