I cast my first vote for President of the United States in 1964 for Barry Goldwater. I remember working very hard including selling six packs of AuH2O as a fundraiser. I was at the same time curious why the tepid support of the GOP hierarchy and almost no defense of their candidate from the near hysteria of the Democrat Socialist party. I later came to understand that the GOP itself had been infiltrated with the same progressive mindset as the Democrat Socialist party.
Since that time there has been only one person I could be proud to pull the lever for and thrust my proud to be an American chest out. That was of course Ronald Regan and even he was subjected to the same tepid GOP support and near hysteria but through his strength of will alone managed to push all this aside and define a winning conservative agenda.
During the Republican primaries, Romney and the RNC went to no limits to stifle any apparent conservative voices and during the RNC convention, the glaring absence of Sarah Palin was breath taking in overt spinelessness.
As to the 2012 general election, I was screaming at the political cowardice of Governor Romney who had opportunity after another again and again to put this Socialist movement into the dust bins of history but he (and I am presuming with the assurances of the RNC) wanted to “Play it Safe”. I am now disgusted with all of, and anything to do with, the Regressive party and as a result I am switching my political affiliation to Independent and when and if the Tea Party ever gets it’s act together, The GOP will go the way of the Wigs.
Now we have abandoned all that was good about America and are on a one way ticket to Hell. Now is the time for me to get off this Republican Progressive (RE-Gressive) train.
This letter may or may not make it to your desk and you may or may not choose to reply, but I am by no means at the end of the line with this. My mission now is to defend my family, my home and my country from the results of so many years (at least 100 to my count) of progressive and regressive government. I know I am not alone here. My mission now is to find the others and swarm all over the thugs and cowards who now rule. It is too obvious…..
The King Has No Clothes.