George Zornetsky's Posts (4)

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There is no doubt in my mind these bombs were arranged to be sent by Demunist leadership, probably Soros.  Obama's too stupid, Watters is insane,  Clinton - possibly. They are desperate for an October surprise, and failing miserably. I can't see anyone being fooled by this, except the most brain-dead among their base. In the meantime they've wasted more taxpayer money and endangered our law enforcement.

I wouldn't be surprised if some of the FBI is complicit. 

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What will Happen after Trump

Pres. Trump has been making historical advances while fighting not only the seditious Demunist party, but  betrayals by Republicans like John McCain,Susan Collins, & Jeff Flake.

This swamp has been fighting Trump every step of the way.  After Trump took office, the Elmer Fudd of politics, Mitt Romney, led the verbal assault on Trump's Presidency.

Mueller's witch hunt of "Russian Collusion", while ignoring Hillary's monumental treasons in collusion with Russia, has kept this fodder for the lamestream media going for a year.  Jeff Session has been silent; perhaps just eating popcorn & watching with an evil grin. The silence of the eunuch Republicans during this year is scary & sickening. 

I believe Trump will accomplish a great deal more; but despite his successes, the country is in danger of being returned to that police state that Obama began building & the Psychotic Harpy was to complete. I believe the Republican establishment is more concerned with their pay, their perks, and their pension than they are with the welfare of this Republic built by so many sacrifices.  So they will just sit back & grin.

This Tea Party is our greatest tool in fighting to prevent this, by bringing the Conservative message to the public & by helping to elect more Conservatives to Congress.  As individuals let us do what we can to spread this message.

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